Sunday, January 22, 2017

These kids were made for marching...

It's been almost two years since writing and likely no one will even read this! So it's mainly for me to remember stuff that happens! What better way to re-start blogging than with the historic march yesterday. Due to VERY stormy weather, we decided that only Mimi and Vinny would attend, and George and Natan volunteered to babysit. All of us made shirts, though, so everyone took part.

What struck me the most was how peaceful it was. No one was angry. I know Republicans like to think that liberals are just "whiny" because we lost. But if they listened, they would understand that it is not sour grapes or whining. Losing is inevitable for someone. And yes, it was us this time. The reaction is to the fact that this office is now being held by someone who seems to care very little for anyone but himself. He perpetuates the rape culture, and he represents hate and intolerance. AND...Republicans need to remember that for the past eight years, President Obama was repeatedly asked (a claim led by current POTUS), to show his birth certificate. He was called a Muslim. He was compared to a gorilla. So was his wife. He was called the "n-word" repeatedly. Talk about sour grapes.

So yesterday, we marched. Along with hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. And it felt good.

Whenever I can stand alongside 60,000 or so other people who want tolerance and peace, and who absolutely will not judge me for my beliefs, I am there!!