Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bad, bad people...

We went to Panola State Park yesterday morning to play and hike around--a favorite place of the kids.
Arrived at 9:00.
Found abandoned puppy on slide at 9:02.
I am normally OK in these situations--logically I know that you can't pick up every stray animal just because it is in heaven romping with your kids, who, it would appear, are also in heaven.
So, guard being down and all, I agreed to bring him home, with the rule that he may not be ours to keep--"we are just keeping him safe for now."
Not many people are looking for a puppy. Most people also don't like mutts.
We kept him--the kids named him "Panola." I thought it would be OK until today when he started in with his puppy bites on Vinny. He did it to me, and I have to say, it hurt!!! Imagine that on the fleshy little arm and face of a one year old.
So...because some IDIOT couldn't bother to spay or neuter, and then abandoned the result of said idiocy, I had to call Animal Control and be the heavy.


That is my thought for toady.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Good times...

Walmart. 8:30 this morning. Greeted by all the nice ladies that work there...nice, quiet store.
First, right off the bat, Natan scammed a Cheeto from a Walmart Lady. She thought it was very funny, and was impressed that he said Thank You!
Near the end of our shopping, the same nice Walmart Lady gave each of the kids a small bag of Cheetos (she asked first!). They spent the last ten minutes of the trip yelling, "Thank you, Cheeto Girl!" every time they saw her.
On our way out, a lady stopped and asked me if she could walk with us. My first thought as you can imagine, was that she was some zealot who was going to try to convert me to some wacky religion--she would have met her match! However, she only wanted to know where Natan was from, although she alraady knew. I also asked if she were from Ethiopia--clearly she was. She has lived here for 18 years and is married to an American from Texas. She gave me her number and wants to try to get more ET folks together--adopted or otherwise.
I was also very proud Mimi who, when Hannah (woman from ET), asked to hold her hand as we walked, Mimi asked me, "Is that OK, Mama? Is she a good or bad stranger?" YAY!!! She's been listening!!!!!
OK, so Natan DID take "it" out to go wee-wee in front of a car full of people, and I DID put "it" back in just in time, but all in all...a great morning!!! And we were home by 10:30!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The BooBoo Bandaid Monster

Jason and I got the kids up last night, as usual, for one last wee-wee, and found what seemed like hundreds of band aids and wrappers all over the bedroom floor. Then, I noticed, George had wrapped a band aid around each of his fingers, and some were stuck haphazardly on his body. Mimi had some stuck on her legs, but she confessed that George had wanted to be the "Boo Boo Band aid Monster".
Oh my.
Even in the middle of the night, they keep us laughing!!!!

Dear Anonymous

I wanted to restate that you are NEVER the subject of my blogs in a negative way! I thought a lot about what you said last night...about age giving a person a sense of freedom, perhaps?? I agree wholeheartedly!
My vent stemmed from typically "old" ladies (women who act older than they really are and are negative beyond imagination), criticizing me for the little things: my baby is not wearing socks...why aren't my kids in school...the kids will catch a cold not wearing shoes...that sort of thing. And this from people who do not even know me! And it happens EVERY time I go out.
Advice from those with experience and wisdom is always welcome--I don't have to follow it if I choose not to!
And, FYI...You have two of the nicest grandkids, so you got street cred!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

why bother...

Maybe venting is pointless. People continue, on almost a daily level, to say things to me which are highly offensive--personal things--while I remain quiet, lest I offend them...I blog because I don't want to hurt someone's feelings and this is the safest place for me to react.

When someone criticizes me for not putting the kids in school yet, do I answer them back and criticize them for their use of daycare? No.

When someone says something racist, do I tell them that stupidity is color blind which their ignorant comments prove? I should, but I don't.

When people say,"Oh, you must want to be like Angelina Jolie..." should I respond that they must want to be like Britney Spears (works for folks with two kids)?

When people say I am not old enough to know what I'm talking about, do I tell them that life's experiences make us wise, not age, and until they know my own experiences, they shouldn't judge? Nope. Because that would be rude.

When a woman told me she and her family were "chosen by god" and that we weren't and that is why George has a heart defect--should I have asked her why she would be chosen--she and her disgusting, mouth breathing kids??

I can't go anywhere and not get attacked personally without even asking for it. Checking out at

Jason and I have a large family because it's what we want. We will add to it in a few years. It's nobody's business.
We adopt because it's what we choose to do. It's nobody's concern.
Feel free to make your comments.
One of these days...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This needs no title...

You've got to be kidding...

A local "private" school (in quotes because it's really a lightweight "christian" school), ELCA-- founded years ago under a different name because white parents didn't want their white children attending school with black children when integration occurred--is holding some sort of religion conference later this month.
Jason and I know a rather misfitting teacher (misfitting because he actually has a brain but desperately needs a job!), is part of the planning. He had various people of varied religious backgrounds coming. All the plans were in place, and the administration dropped the bomb at the very last minute and asked him to tell the Muslim leader to "not attend" because of the outcry that came from all the parents.
He did--against his better judgment.
Here is a school teaching its students to be intolerant, hateful, and judgmental--JUST what this world needs!!!! And they do it in the name of "christianity" which is just a cover for people to act poorly.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Went to see "Seussical the Musical" put on by the talented Henry Players...fabulous!!! Mimi and George went with us and they loved it!! Can't tell by the look on G's face in each picture, but we all had fun!!

The Mayor of Whoville and his wife.


Jill Bird Lady

The Cat in the Hat!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


This has been bothering me for some time...
Why do some parents think that bullying is the way to raise their children?
Name calling...
Corporal punishment...
After reading one of the best books EVER, "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult, I realize even more that children are fragile. When a parent or adult they look up to or love, beats them down again and again, their self esteem will be demolished and they will lash out in violent ways--either against themselves or someone else.
Telling your child s/he is "stupid" or "dumb" or a "moron" just hurts. Perhaps YOU, the parent, are the moron.
My favorite is the parent who uses the word "retarded" to bully kids. It doesn't get lower...
I guess the real question is: if you don't have it in you to simply LOVE your children and show this love with your words and actions, why the heck did you have kids in the first place??

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Kidisms Part ??

Jason just came in and told me that he was teaching Mimi some Chinese words at bedtime and George yelled from the other room, "Stop talking like that! I only speak Georgia!"

Yesterday, Mimi asked me if baby bees could make honey in the "honey house."

George said on the way home from dance class yesterday that he wold be "so much mad" if Natan had his R2D2. So much mad, indeed!

Braggin' a little...

Today, the Children's and Youth Choirs that I lead presented a powerful and fabulous Palm Sunday program. They always do a great job, but the tone of this one was different, and they NAILED it! I am proud and bragging!

Someone told me awhile ago that "not every child has the right to be in a volunteer children's church choir." (not exact quote, but close enough!)

Pause for expected laughter.

Isn't that the most ridiculous and arrogant thing you've ever heard?? It's also sad. For someone to think that a Volunteer Children's Church Choir should be exclusive...if it didn't make me sick, I would likely laugh along with you!
I have lots of different kids in choir--some behave, some don't always...some can sing on pitch, some cannot. My goal is to create a safe and fun environment for the kids to develop an appreciation--and hopefully love--of choral music. I tolerate a lot because I know that all children are different ('s where that Master's degree and basically having a brain come in handy!). I see them once a week for an hour at best. I am not a yeller and I do not resort to humiliation. It's wrong as a leader, teacher, and especially a parent.
So, yes, any child is welcome in my choir. There are lots of auditioned children's choirs in our area that are exclusive...I like mine.

And, KUDOS to all the great kids today--and thanks. You rock!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Disco Babes

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Letter to My Friend

Dear Anonymous,
My apologies that I have not blogged recently.
Lazy? No. Busy? I suppose. Nothing to say? Never!
I have a lot to say, but not enough time to write!!
How about a sneak peak:
1. Bullying (by parents towards their own kids and by kids to other kids)...stemming from a recent incident reported to me and also a great book I am reading.
2. School shootings vs. war vs. abortion (again, based on this latest book)
3. Kidisms (they happen so frequently, I cannot possibly write them down fast enough!) but I will try!
4. Our upcoming sojourns with Nana "from here to there, from everywhere..."
5. The upcoming ruin of the family name as soon as my sister sees a needle within three feet of her on her surgery day--it will not be pretty!! (Note to self: Buy stock in Valium NOW).
6. Republicans (just kidding--why waste time!!!!!!!!) Insert evil laugh.
Much love from your blogger friend...