Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bobby K

Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others — he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. And crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
— Robert Kennedy


I watched the Idol Gives Back show last night. It was very well done, and even though I was already aware of the situation of poverty, it reminded me again. The African Children's Choir was fabulous.
Some stats that as usual, blew me away:
Every 3 seconds, a child dies from starvation and/or disease. That is staggering.
In Africa, a child dies every 30 seconds from Malaria--a disease for which I will have medicine when I travel. That child could have been Nathan had he not been placed in the Care Center.
I'm sure many people watched thinking, "well it's their own fault...I'm not responsible...they should use birth control..." All comments made to me on a regular basis. The bottom line: We, none of us, are doing enough in our own country or abroad. Sending a check isn't enough...adopting isn't enough...
Jason keeps telling me (I think in fear that I am going to move abroad sooner than he is ready for!), that bringing one child home is helping. But...Nathan shouldn't have to leave. He should be able to live with his family in his village.
However, since this is not the case, I feel lucky that they chose us to be his family.
I WANT TO GO MEET NATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I admit, each day that I do not receive "the call" is dragging me down. I look at his picture and it breaks my heart...

Monday, April 23, 2007

More info on Nathan...

We received an email today entitled "Continuance" which FREAKED me out, thinking it was something to do with the courts in ET.
It was just two pieces of paper giving a medical update on Nathan. He is right where he should be...climbing, walking, and they said he has begun potty training--maybe he can help Mimi and George (who, by the way, both wee-wee'd many times in the potty today!!!!!).
It's all about the wee-wee, man...

American idol!

I have not watched one lick of American idol this season, however, tomorrow night (Tues.), this is what is happening (I got this from my wonderful Adoption Forum that I am totally addicted to!):
"Tune in to FOX tomorrow to watch the first of a two-night special that will benefit organizations that help children living in extreme poverty in both the U.S. and Africa, including the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. Viewers will be able to vote for their favorite contestants via toll-free numbers and text messages. For each vote cast, corporate sponsors will make a donation to benefit children in need. A vote on Idol is a vote for UNICEF and a vote for the children of the world."
There will also be a performance by Josh Groban and the African Children's Choir--they are Ugandan orphans (for lack of a better term...) and they are fabulous. They were actually in McDonough last year.
Watch!! I know we will!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Off-Topic but SWEET!!!!

So, tonight at bedtime, we (all 4) of us were crowded in Mimi's bed reading Goodnight Moon. She started to whack her head around (for no apparent reason) and hit me not once, bit three times in the nose--third time brought stars to my eyes!!
Thought it was bleeding so I went to the bathroom. While I waited to see straight, there came Mimi...padding into the bathroom saying, "Sorry, Mommy" and I was the grateful recipient of a fabulous hug! Jason had not told her to do so--she just knew to do that.
That made me feel like the best mom in the world, just because of that small gesture! I guess they are listening...
Tell you what, folks. There is nothing like those bedtime snuggles to make you feel better!
Carly--thanks for your email! I am so glad you love our kiddos! They love you too!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Killing time...

Three more people that I know of have travel dates...that really means nothing, so don't get too excited!!
OK, so while we're waiting, Jason and I are watching movies to keep our minds off the fact that Nathan is growing older by the days...
Some recommendations:
I mention Borat again (in spite of the tremendously gross naked seen!!) You have to understand that while Cohen was filming, he never broke his Borat character, and his goal was to show the ignorance of certain people. I think he does a great job!! It was filmed unscripted and most people have trouble with it.
The last King of Scotland--Oh. My. God. Fabulous. About Uganda in the 70's--based on factual events with lots of fictional characters thrown in. Very graphic.
Babbel--GREAT film.
Bobby--Wow! Loved it. Doesn't touch on the Kennedy's at all, or Bobby himself for that matter. More the lives of various people on the day that he was shot.
And of all-time (current) favorite--The Family Stone. It's got everything!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 6 begins...

OK, folks! April 16th begins Week 6 after receiving our referral. Keep your fingers crossed that we get a travel date this week!
Need to order my Malaria prescription...!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Trip to Hosanna...

Well! I just got off an hour-long conference call with our agency regarding the trip south in ET. It is an opportunity to go to the place Nathan was brought to (city of Hosanna) first before going to the care centre in Addis. Even the call was an emotional roller coaster!
Many of the people in the south live in huts (literally), and because the threat of hyenas is so high, they bring their animals (all) in at night to sleep with them. It is also why we have to introduce any dog slowly to N. They told us most of the children are deathly afraid b/c of the hyenas.
Now I am excited and even more impatient.
Once again, I am in shock and awe of what the world holds...we are to give a family photo to the people that we meet there. This picture, however, cannot contain any "stuff." Our social worker said that no matter how strapped we may be b/c of this adoption (gee, was she talking directly to us??!!!!), or not matter how middle class we think we are, we are wealthy compared to the people living in the ET countryside and farming villages. I will never worry again about the fact that we have no more retirement money--it has been put to a much better use!! Jason doesn't want to retire anyway!! Makes me ask again why more of the people with so much more money than us AREN'T adopting...Jason says it's because they are just not cut out for the journey. Too bad for them...
Well...I hear two little voices calling, "Minna! Minna!" through the monitor--love that they feel confident enough to call me by name!!
Life is good.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Black Gold

Tonight...10 pm...PBS...the issues of coffee in ET. Worth watching. Getting all sorts of great links from my adoption forum folks!
OK, this is week 5 since we received the referral. It is very hard not to get impatient, espcecially when his picture is facing me every day!
I think Mimi and George are going to be great--they know they have a new "baby budder" and that his name is Nathan (you must imagine the name yelled, as it is the way they express it!), and Mimi will even tell you where he is from: "E-o-pia!"
What a boring's much more interesting when people are slagging me!
George and I have a bug...lovely. No details necessary--use your imagination.
I miss my Hello Dolly people but I am so happy to have my evenings FREE!!!!!!