Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Well...medicals are done. Getting passport photos this week. We meet with our social worker this Friday morning, and then from there, we are on the downhill side! Once our homestudy is turned in, we wait for our referral! I've been doing alot of research on Ethiopia and it should prove to be an interesting, although short, trip.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Terrorists stink!
I love to fly and always feel safe--what I don't like are the long waits because of random acts of idiocy and religious-psycho-terrorism...it simply just wastes my (and everyone else's) time.
I am still planning to go--sans lotion and shampoo, evidently!
My sister has agreed to travel with me, so the issue of having noone to talk to for 19+ hours is gone.
Our agancy posted some more pictures of some of the babies available--they are SWEET! Can't wait to meet our baby!
Our friend "Auntie" Laura is once again instrumental in getting us notarized and official--thanks!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Well...I have already started thinking about packing!! "Be prepared!" Jason and I both think this could be a "carry-on" only trip--it's only five days...looks like I may have to make an overnight layover in London...bummer, eh?! That calls for dinner with London Lisa! This way, we're averaging every five years between visits!
Some info about Ethiopia on the link below--it's a neat place.
Can't believe I'm going to Africa...cool.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ethiopian Tidbits...

Our new agency is great! They have already sent us a ton of info on the upcoming trip to Addis Ababa--when can I pack???!!
There are no referrals made during the next two months, in which time we will be preparing our dossier--more fingerprints, medicals, gathering of documents...
Then, in October, we will be anxiously awaiting a picture and a name!!
Anyone interested in a brief trip (M-F plus 2 travel days) to Africa??

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Here we "grow" again...!

Well, it's official! We sent our application to our new adoption agency, Children's Home Society & Family Services last week, and we spoke to our social worker there, Peg, about what's next. She told us if we get our paperwork ready, once we receive our referral, we could be travelling before the end of this year--THIS year--2006!!
I am working on our dear, dear friend, "Granny" Cherry to travel with me. 19 hours on a plane to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa...totally worth it. Jason will have to stay home for this one which stinks because he'll miss all the FOOD!
We have requested a boy, one year younger than Ellie Mei and George.
We'll keep you posted...