Thursday, August 28, 2008

Quick Kidism...

A quick one today as I am getting ready to teach...
This morning, after giving Natan a handful of raisins, Mimi asked if she could have some "big raisins" which is what we call "prunes". As I was giving them to her, George said, "Those are poop raisins," to which Mimi replied, "Yep--because they make me poop."
Lovely, and all before 8 a.m.!!!!!!
That's all I got today!!!! Mostly because if I don't write down what they say when they say it, I plum forget!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bottoms up!!

That's a whole lot of naked!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Random stuff

Mimi: Driving to her four-year old doctor check up with Minna:
"Mama??? Someday when I big, I'm going to stay with you. I won't leave." (THANK YOU!!!!!!!)

George: Lying in bed while getting his nightly tickles from Minna:
"Mommy..I am not the boss."
"That's right, George, you're not."
"I'm not."
"George--who is the boss?"
"Mommy is the boss."
"That's right, George, I am."
"You the boss, Mommy."
"Why is Mommy the boss, Georgie?"
"'Cause you have boobies. Only people with boobies can be the boss."
Seriously. How in the heck did he come up with THAT???

Monday, August 11, 2008


7:00 a.m. morning snuggles (late today--not sure why)
7:30--pancakes and cheese grits for the still sleeping in his crib
8:00--read "Superdog, the Heart of a Hero"
8:30--"Yoga for Kids"--lots of Downward Diggity Dogs!!!
9:00--get Vinny up, dressed, and fed
9:00-10:00--play in the new playroom (more on that later)
10:00--go for a "trike" ride down to the cul de sac and back--Mimi wins by a mile!
10:30--swim in the pool after Mommy removes HUGE spider!
11:00--Mac n cheese, carrots, and graham crackers for lunch
12:00-12:30 dance and sing to our favorite Sharon, Lois, and Bram Cd
12:30--crawl into "big" bed to watch "World World" on GPB
1:00--Read "Goodnight, Gorilla" and snuggle before nap
3:00--make a blog entry while the three big kids nap and Vinny coos beside me!!
Life is good...

Saturday, August 02, 2008

O.M.G. (Oh. My. Google.)

Google is a good and bad thing...
With Google, we can find information on just about ANYTHING from A to Z. This is a good thing.
With Google, we can find information on just about ANYTHING from A to Z. This is a bad thing.
When George's heart defect was diagnosed, we Googled and found out more than we ever imagined about his condition.
I love using Google to just discover things I didn't a resource for a means of answering questions when Jason (the smart one in this marriage!) isn't home! (Come to think about it, I just like saying the word Google!).
However--with Google, we have learned the following:
  • George is a sociopath (ok, not true, but after a google episode, this seemed possible!!!)
  • Natan has Fragile X syndrome (again, not true, but those symptoms...Egads!!)
  • Proteus syndrome is very sad
  • Harriet Tubman's birth name was Araminta
  • the best city to live in is Lee Vining in California
  • All of our moles are eventually going to kill us
  • there are 530 hits when you type "Jason Montague"
  • there are only 8 hits when you type "Araminta Montague"
  • Silly Putty is 50 years old
  • Araminta has every rare disease that she finds on Google--don't you think you have all those symptoms, too??
  • Montague was a member of Slytherin in the Harry Potter series!
See? And that's just the tip of the iceberg...there is a world of useless information waiting to be discovered. If only I had the time...
Lucky for me, I am too busy playing around with four fabulous little creatures and cleaning poop off the floor (yes, it happened again and this time I had to do the dirty deed since Jason was out!). Perhaps we should reinstate the underwear rule--where the kids actually wear it!
Goodnight, sweet Google...I'll search you in the morning!

Friday, August 01, 2008

A new month.

I have nothing, really to write about today. Things are quiet on the Montague front.
Vincent is cooing and going with an audience of three...
Natan is wee-weeing on the potty (constantly!!)...
Mimi is "reading" books by herself and exclaiming, "Mama--I just LOVE to read!!" or, "That letter goes in my name!" (anytime she sees an M, I, or W!)...
George is being George--woke everyone up at 6:00 today and doesn't like the new regime that has been put in place...
Jason is happy to be spending the afternoon with all four...
I am heading out to get some work done with my two devoted helpers, Olivia and Celeste...
Uh, hello? Life doesn't get better than this!
Oh, and in case I haven't written this in awhile: INGRAMS...COME BACK! We miss you!!!!!!