Monday, March 31, 2008


Something is definitely up...I have more energy than I've had in months! Today, just "because," I moved three dressers, one bed, and now have a dormitory of sorts upstairs! All three kiddos are now going to share a room. Natan started climbing out of his crib last week, so he gets a "big boy" bed now. Mimi was concerned that I was giving her ever so comfy bed to Nana until I told her she could have whatever sheets she wanted on her new bed. She of course chose Diego (refusing Dora repeatedly!).
I would have moved the old iron bed into the other room except the kids were hungry for lunch so I ran out of time!
They may not have the most decorated or put together rooms, as I have had to empty everything out of them for safety reasons (!), but they are three happy children together and that is all they really care about!
For all you parents who are able to have froufrou, coordinated rooms because your kids are nicely spaced out in age...your time will one way or another!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

...and counting!

Saw the doctor yesterday...Vincent's head is down and directly on my bladder, which provides all sorts of fun. She said everything is great, and if I want him a week early, they can induce me the second week of long as I make it until after my choir concert on the 4th, I'm happy!
So, about six more weeks until we meet number four!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Kidisms 3

Mimi learned the real word for "tootie" today (don't ask how THAT came up!!!!!) It is called a "Bachina." She then said, "It's because I'm from China!" I just agreed and let it go!

George: After dinner, we saw that his toe was bleeding all over the kitchen floor, so we wet a cloth to wash it and stick a band aid on it. He does NOT like to have his cuts and scrapes washed, so he started saying, "No! No! Don't wash it! It's not bleeding...not bleeding! It's just ketchup!"

I treated myself to a pedicure last week and took Mimi so she could have her fingernails painted. When we were driving home, she said, "Mama...did you see all those Chinese girls in there? Are they adopted too?"

Natan: currently sings "Who et ud ogs out...ooh, ooh, ooh." (Who let the dogs out). He also likes to get on the phone with his Nana and after mumbling a few things, says, "Thank you, Bye-Bye!"

Oh, has anyone ever attended a memorial service for a dead robot?????? This may be a first! We'll keep you posted...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Finally an answer to this chronic laryngitis issue. I saw an ENT doctor today and he told me I have a deviated septum, acid reflux (worse because I'm preggers), and vocal nodules. Yuck. He told me no more singing, so thank goodness my choir concert is only a few weeks away--I will make it at least through that! He has me going to a speech therapist a couple of times to correct some of the vocal problems contributing to the nodules.
So, it's nice to have an answer and one that is treatable in some form or another. No surgery or weird drugs--just flonase, zantac, and better treatment of my voice.
He tried to convince me the raspy voice is sexy--I, along with most others, disagree wholeheartedly!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Easter!

The true meaning of Easter: finding as many eggs as possible and eating more candy than should ever be allowable!
Here is us--5 & 3/4 Montagues! Natan seems pretty stoked about his catch of eggs! Mimi proved herself to be a very stealthy candy-wrapper-opener! George was basically George...dirty knees and all!

Conversations, Part One

When asked what Mimi's favorite part of yesterday was (we had lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt at church, and dinner at the Shedd's), she answered, "David." David Shedd, you're our current favorite!

George, when asked what his favorite part was, went on a vocal rampage about the creaky sounds (I think he meant the creek by the Shedd's house...) I have no idea what he was talking about, but he kept coming back to "I don't like the creaky sounds." No idea. But it lasted for a good fifteen minutes--just him talking.

Natan is imitating EVERYTHING the big kids do...some good, some bad! All of a sudden, he is speaking and we can understand him! Yea! Sentences, even!

George bonded with "Baby Vissent" today--grabbed my belly and talked away to Vincent...mainly I think he wants him out of there so he can proceed with showing the ways of the world as a boy!

Friday, March 14, 2008

I love our kids...

Is that wrong to admit? I think not. Yes, there are days...but on days like this one, when they listen and say the sweetest things, and give random hugs and kisses, it's all good! Watching Mimi giving up her Waffle Fries for Natan today was particularly nice...I don't even know if I would do that!!!!

We saw many water mountains on the way to "Mommy's Doctor" today--Jason met us and played with the three for a LONG time while I waited to spend three minutes with the doctor. Vincent's heartbeat was the strongest I've heard yet, and they said everything is great! I start now with the "every two week" appointments...

Poor Natan is right at that place where he knows what he wants but cannot communicate it (the joys of being just over 2!). He has not even been here a year and speaks little English--give the kid a break! Some people forget where he spent the first 15 months of his life--not an easy transition.

My ongoing pet peeve rears its ugly head every so often: People with only girls or only one child who just don't understand boys or multiple siblings. (Give my mom her due: she admits that we were pretty easy and that she would have jumped off a bridge if we had done most of the things my kids do--although she seems to have forgotten some of shenanigans between my sister and me!! She has by force embraced their wildness and does not judge.) And people who say their boys are gems and NEVER act out are so full of crap it should be oozing from their very pores. If I hear one more time, "MY kids NEVER did that..." I may just go toddler (the mommy version of going postal!). My attitude has and always will be, Take us as we are or leave us be... That includes our children. I'm doing the best that I can with no previous experience. Sometimes I'm great, other times, I suck! Jason and I see parenting and children as a work in progress--it never ends, and there is always room for improvement on both ends!

I am always amazed at how some folks dole out the parental advice--unsolicited. They themselves are not necessarily models of good parenting, but still, they feel compelled to raise eyebrows and pass silent (and often vocal) judgements. Go away. I would just shoot myself if our kids were bland or boring--they are neither of those things!!!!!!

So, to all of you who love us and our kids NO MATTER WHAT (and you know who you are!)...thank you. We love you too!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Singin' in the Whatever/Wherever!

Natan can sing!!!! He sings "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" now with actions! So, he's one of those kids who sings before he talks. He also loves any kind of music and would sit at the piano all day if we let him. The other two on the other hand...

George does do a hot rendition of "Mary had a Little Lamb"...

My Mimi quote for the week shouldn't really be posted, but it has something to do with puberty and how observant she is. Sufficed to say, she is pretty aware of how, ahem...different we all look!!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Kid-isms...Part Deux

Looking at the newly budding pear trees on our street (Mimi):
"Look--snow trees!"

After cutting himself on the palm tree outside (George):
"That is a shark tree!" (he means sharp, but shark works just as well!)

At 6:00 this morning when Jason left for work (Mimi):
"I'm going to miss my Daddy..."

George had another dream about the giant seems to be a recurring one! Sometimes he says it looks like Natan, and other times he says it looks like Little Bill!

Mimi: "How is Vincent going to come out?" (to my mother's chagrin, I gave her the truth!)
Me: "My tootie."
Mimi: (after a thoughtful moment): "That's going to be owie!"

Mimi and George are now trying to pull Vincent out via my belly button...a little painful but pretty hilarious!

Natan is talking more, but nothing quotable yet!! Just wait...his time is coming!