Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Had to have my annual physical today. No biggie. We also had to have some medical forms filled to since our home-study is expiring (!). Turns out, they did a full physical on Jason, too--unexpected! I walked out to the van after my time and the kids yelled LOUDLY through the open window:
"Daddy had to pull his pants down and they stuck a finger in his bum!"
Then, headed to the police station to update our criminal records. Turns out someone with a similar name to Jason's has a record--they fixed it and we're good. Also were in the same room with a sex offender waiting to be registered. He was VERY friendly to the kids!!!
All in all, an eventful and productive day!
And Jason should be sitting sometime later tonight!!!!!!
So we watched a documentary last week about the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. the kids are fascinated by civil rights stories and people.
George: "I think Jesse Jackson is like R2D2."
Me: "How's that?"
George: "Well, R2 always follows C3PO around, like Jesse Jackson is always with Martin Luther King Junior."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A novel idea:
Rather than criticizing the not-so-great things children do (OK, I am referring to my own kids), every so often point out something great that they do. 
I am the first person to admit our children--and our parenting--are not perfect. There are no right or wrong ways to do it. But, I firmly believe that Jason and I are raising four very sweet and loving kids. They use good manner 75% of the time, which I think is acceptable considering many adults do not.
They offer spontaneous hugs and "I love you's" constantly, and expect nothing in return.
They wash their hands after being in the bathroom (I have scientific proof that 9/10 children do not--it's gross).
They have a zest for life that I wish I had!! 
And they care about each other.
Yes, they fart and burp and laugh about it. They say "butt" at the worst times. 
Yes, they go to bed late because they goof around until the wee hours.
No, we do not spank our kids or use throw-away comments. 
I get it--we're not perfect. new attitude is this. If you want to point out only the icky stuff they do, I am going at you. Full force. When you insult one or all of our kids, you're coming after Jason and I too. Back off.
And it goes double to people without kids of their own. You wanted to bitch and moan at children? You should have had them yourself. Leave mine alone.

Friday, February 17, 2012

So it's been awhile...
Counting the final couple of weeks until "the trip".
Still waiting for an ETHIO travel date ("the other trip"), but T's passport is in the process which is the final step! Waiting to receive G's renewed passport so he can join M and I on the trip.
Having some very successful school days after a rough time a couple of weeks ago. Some days are tough. You can't get them back, so you keep moving on, making improvements where needed. Once I acknowldged to G that I know he does not like school, in any form, he has been a dream!
Natan is doing great--learning to read AND play the piano!
Mimi is plowing through her first chapter book and loving it!
Vinny is ready to be a college freshman...
Still, it would be nice if people who do not have children, who do not have this many children, who have never home-schooled, or who have never raised kids with special needs, would mind their own business where my kids' are concerned. I am starting to think that they are just suffering form a huge sense of inadequacy...
Could vent about how sad it is to live in a country that values war over the arts, space programs, and common decency. 
Could also vent about the sense of entitlement that young people/kids have today. It makes it nearly impossible to work with them. Here's a radical idea: Parents, stop putting your own social lives first, stop spending more time on work than family, take away your child's gadgets...and BE A PARENT! They may not like you for awhile. But you will make them  better human beings by paying attention to them, talking to them, and--I know, this is crazy--parenting
But I will not vent today. Why, when I can spend the day enjoying my four amazing minions!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2012

First of all, I have been awake since 4:00 AM. Finally got up at 5 and went for a run. Energized? Nope. Tired? Yep!! 
And...Just like that--we have an official, translated adoption decree!!!!! Hopefully this means that the birth certificate is underway and things will get to the Embassy and it won't be the 6-10 week wait that was estimated. I already have a delivery from my friend on the northside--very much hoping that ET Airlines will allow me some free extra luggage for donations!!
We are the proud, new owners of a real, live drum set! It was given to us by parents whose son played in high school. Let me tell you something about drums. They. Are. Loud. LOUD!!!!!! And we have FOUR drummers!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Not sure if I ever wrote about this, but our adoption decree was not approved/issued at our November appointment like we thought it was. A combination of low-talker judge and an open door (!), we both thought she said, "She.Is.Yours." But she did not. However, yesterday we received official confirmation that our case passed court with approval and "She.Is.Ours." YAY! The hard part now is...more waiting. And, knowing that I could be there, in Addis, getting her out of the orphanage and living with her until our Embassy date is killing me.
We were told 6-10 weeks, but after more than two years waiting, I am not holding my breath. Mimi and I are ready, so bring on the trip!!!!
Enjoyed a nice Chinese new Year party with a great group of friends. It came up on me fast, but we pulled it off! Now, the countdown to our DW trip--5 weeks! Kids are over the top excited! We are, too, I admit! First though, a visit to my bestie in Birmingham for some girl talk and slumber party while Jason and George spend the night with the Boy Scouts at the science centre.