Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Some things I've been meaning to write...

Vinny sitting in Grandma Stinny's living room, picking his nose:
"My nose is my breakfast..."
Wish I could quote Jason at the border crossing coming home...really one that is told better in person! Needless to say, he won't be in the driver's seat for that anymore!!!
Mimi: "I guess I'll just be a doctor so I can help people like Lovie..."
And yes, it's OK with us if she JUST wants to be a doctor!!
Natan, after I walked outside to go swimming in my new two-piece (purchased for at-home-in front-of-family-only use, and because it only cost twelve dollars: "You're a sexy beast..." (a movie quote we say all the time for any reason at all--so he may have been trying to tell me to put my fat ass back the house!!)
George: "Mama...what happens when the red sun comes?"
Me: "Well, the end of earth will happen slowly, I guess, but that's not for a LONGGGGG time."
George: "Oh, I know I'll be dead--I just wanted to know!"

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, June 22, 2012

"In lieu of a card..." (Honestly--we bought one BEFORE the trip, and can't find it.)
Nana's Birthday Card

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Here is a clip from the Friday before we adopted Domino--we had already planned on adopting him and didn't see this until afterward. This program takes "Last Chance" dogs who are going to be euthanized and places them with deserving inmates in the Gwinnett County Jail. Domino lived in the cell with his handler who trained him (very well!), fed him, groomed him, etc. He is considerably more hyped up than Reggie, but let's face it. Reggie isn't exactly livening up the joint! We love 'em both! The kids particularly love that he plays with them, but Timbit the Cat--not so much!! So far everyone is living copacetically (I had to make that word up because I love using it!). I'll update more in a week!!
OK. What a trip home! In a nutshell:

And we're off...we made it onto I-75 at midnight!
This is what 15 years of marriage looks like!!

 Backseat antics! 
Lovie is SOexcited!!

Above: Treats to keep the driver awake!
Below: Our anniversary lunch at the BK Steakhouse!
Um, was GOOD!!!!

Above: Taking a break at the Michigan Welcome Center.
Below: May Flies! gross but necessary...and George found out that they crack when you touch them!!! Ewww....

Bridge to Canada!! Woo Hoo!!
 Ahh...the ACTUAL bridge to Canada!

As soon as we crossed the border, George got under his 
blanket stating, "We're in's cold." It was in the mid 70s!!

Tim Horton's! We didn't make as many stops 
here as usual this time, so every Timbit counted!

Thoroughly enjoyed all the windmills on our way from Windsor. The kids yelled, "WINDMILL!" at every one, along with shouting, "Maple Leafs flag!" at every Canadian flag they saw. There were many.

It all became increasingly too much for Vinny...

Waiting to unload at the Best Western in Cobourg (now referred to by 
the kids as the "Best West"). This picture is at 8 pm, after 18 hours of driving--they are the best!!!

A strange sight in our midst...the rarely seen glass of wine. (Yes, this will surprise folks that I knew way long back...!)
But a welcome surprise from Jason to me! It tasted even better poolside...

 Our new goggles!! Or what I refer to 
as, "Pictures I will use to blackmail my kids later on in their lives!"

 Above: Relaxing in the hot tub
Below: At last--the dumpers!!!!!!

Ahhh...nothing better than a dip and a Timmies! 
(The next morning, back in the dumpers!)

Great Grandma Stinny gets the stamp of approval from Natan!

 One of many lovely meals at Grandma's...complete with her good china!

Nomeal is complete without (real) tea in a cup and saucer...

 We had a photo session with Jillian Bickle Photography--SUPER nice 
and we can't wait to see the pictures!

Annual group photo!

 Had a great evening at Karen & Rick's--met some new friends!!

Cobourg Beach

Had a great visit (well, we think so--they may not agree after the chaos!!!) with the Gaymans...and then my cousin's wife had twins the next morning!!

Another annual--Auntie Gail, I can't find the other one!!

Sharon & Lovie

On the way home, we stopped for a GREAT visit with my friends from Albert College (9th & 10th grade), Asha and her family--it was like no time had passed in the almost 20 years that sadly have gone by!

And trip home is complete without some Swiss Chalet!!
 Lovie's first fine dining experience!

Father's Day breakfast...after driving all night!

We took a detour in Kentucky at the Cumberland Falls State Park--beautiful!

 For history buffs...this is where Daniel Boone blazed his way through in the 1700s--this is part of the Cumberland Gap. 
  Even Reggie enjoyed this side trip!

Natan helping out with Lovie at one of many rest stops.

We rednecked up at THIS store--we are ready for some fun on the fourth!