Saturday, August 25, 2007

Atlanta Heart Walk 2007

Yes, folks--it's that time of year again for The Atlanta Heart Walk which raises money for the American Heart Association. George is living proof that money = research = life!

So...mark your calendar for Saturday, November 3rd and join us for a fun-filled morning at Piedmont Park! This is our third year walking, and this will be the best year yet!

If you are unable to walk, you can still help us out by joining our team and raising at least $150.

There is no fee to join Team George, and you will receive a cool Heart Walk t shirt if you raise $150 (Imagine...if 20 people raise only $150 each, we would have $3000, almost half our goal!).

You will also receive an official "Team George 2007" t-shirt!

Don't miss out on a few hours of easy exercise, beautiful Atlanta weather, and a wonderful event celebrating lives like George's!

Click on the "Atlanta Heart Walk" above or to the right--both will take you to our Team George page!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Is stupidity contagious??

In my new but probably short-lived lengthened nap time (due to George, the Instigator having a double ear infection so he's zapped!), I can blog. I remembered something from our trip to Nova Scotia that I can't believe I let go unmentioned, although it was placed immediately upon arriving home in my "Stupid People" journal which now has 27 entries! It goes something like this:
"Umm..._____ (name of idiot husband/father) wanted me to ask you, umm, well, Natan and _______ (name of kid) accidentally shared a water bottle yesterday, and, umm, well, we were wondering, does Natan have just a regular cold, or is it...??" Followed by an awkward silence b/c she didn't quite know how to put the rest of her ignorant question!
At this point, I spoke up because a) I was tired of the Prozac-smiley face and soft voice b) the overuse of the word "Um" which should never be used anyway, and c) I knew that she was concerned that we had brought our African baby near hers and OMG--he might catch something African!! I said very curtly, "No. It's a common cold." My inner voice was saying evil words which I cannot print!
What I DIDN'T tell her was that at the time, we were still waiting for his Hepatitis C results to come back!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Hep C is transmitted through sharing of utensils, cups, water bottles, etc. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
Based on my knowledge of this person, she and her husband probably think being black is contagious. I wonder now if I should be concerned that in sharing the water bottle in question, Natan should be in jeopardy--are stupidity and blandness contagious??????!!!!!!
I wish now I had been creative and outlined to her all the things he was being medicated and had been tested for: HIV, HEP A, B, C, ringworm, intestinal worms, impetigo, giardia, TB, get the picture.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Grateful Things...this week!

In keeping with those who think about what to be grateful goes:

  • Jason, Mimi, George, and Nati
  • the Ingrams (future in-laws!)
  • macaroni and cheese--what did people do before??
  • air conditioning!
  • generosity of others (I spent the morning sorting 6 large bins of donated clothes!)
  • Dudley Rose's musings on missing the parenting side of things (in a random Sunday morning conversation). We so often hear parents of older children say they are so relieved that they're kids are grown and/or gone. It was nice to hear that he misses parenting.
  • people who stay at our church in spite of the fact that they may not agree with everything that is said or done--I can't stand a quitter! How boring it must be to only hang out with those of like minds...yikes!
  • NyQuil (oh yeah...)
  • Ababa & Enat Alemu...

Olympic Gold???

We started gymnastics last Friday with the most awesome "Coach Dave." Man, is HE patient! He asked that parents be in for the first one or two times, so I got to enjoy watching Mimi and George try to be in a group atmosphere where they are not the center of attention--something they are definitely NOT used to! They did forward rolls, puddle jumps, walking on the black was fantastic! We love Coach Dave! I managed to get a couple of pictures which are to the right!
Some nasty cold has attacked George and I and we are both feeling like CRAP! I have no voice and he is currently losing his. I took my first nap in forever this felt pretty good! Usually nap time is sacred "Let's-get-everything-done-in-two-hours-before-they-wake-up" time, but today was pure joy!
I have also posted a picture of Jason in his new classroom. We were at Woodward's new Primary School on Saturday for a BBQ and tour, and I have to say, best elementary school I have ever seen. I think Woodward's standard of excellence just shot from excellent to "WOW!"

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I will survive!!!!

Like the song says...I WILL survive!
Two days without Jason and no one has been voted off the island yet! Although...(!), George pulled a fast but cute one yesterday at nap time. He kept opening his door, then, upon hearing me on the stairs, would slam the door, jump in bed and fake sleep. He blew it with the faking, though, because he was laughing and saying, "I not bad Mommy...hug??" I then tried my best mean mom and shook my finger and whispered angrily, "You get back in that bed this instant!" Greeted by more laughter and a Scary Monster from George (Scary Monster invloves hands up and a growling sound--Nana is often subjected to these on the phone!). I give up.
today was more successful. They are all asleep!

Mimi is changing like crazy each day--it's wild. Today's new comment was, "You look great, Mum" as I changed into a flashy t-shirt! Ok, I didn't say she has good taste, she just knows how to rip off a good compliment!

Natan is speaking more each day, just words right now, but it's getting easier to figure out what he wants:
"Juicy Ammo" (he wants juice in his Elmo sippy).
"Mimi" (referring to his sister--hard one!)
"Dorgie" (yes, referring to his brother!)
And he has two new loves: the dogs and the pool! Loves to be dunked and loves to jump in!!!

Jason is back at work for planning week in the new Primary School. he said it is great and he loves his new space! They're cracking down on cleavage (for teachers), though, so we'll be doing some shopping this weekend--no more deep V-necks for Jason!!!!!

Finally, we've changed the name of yet another children's is now officially " Mr. Eldon Had a Farm," and there's no telling what kind of animals we sing about!! Sometimes Uncle Dane is on the farm and we say "vroom, vroom here..." to imitate the four-wheeler.

That's all, folks!

Sunday, August 05, 2007


We made it to and from Nova Scotia with very little incident...except for an aborted take off in NY...and a 12-hour trip home due to delays!
The kids were in love instantly with their new "Uncle Dane" and they had a blast being in the country!
They finally got to meet Eldon and Janice and now include their names in our nightly "Good Night Babies" song...(tune: Good Night, Ladies, but replace ladies for whatever you want to sing.)
The wedding was very was the party the night before with some true down home music!
The best surprise was the arrival of Uncle Neb, Jeff, and Heather Gayman! Much merriment caused and I am very impressed with the cover up skills of Auntie Gail! Job well done!
We spent the week lazing around, riding ponies, hanging out at the "Back Shore," and riding four wheelers and tractors.
Natan had a little surgery on Friday and is recovering nicely--pretty loopy from the codeine! Mimi and George are very concerned and keep telling us that "Nati's penis is boken!" Yes, boken. George actually may be concerned that his might break too and is being extra careful!!
It's late...I wonder if I can go to jail for using the P-word??? I hope not.
(new pictures on picasa from the trip)