Friday, December 27, 2013

To avoid more vacuuming...I will post instead!! November at Chez Montague:

 We introduced fiddlesticks in school...then came simple machines!! 
Best activity ever!!

 No better way to turn 41 licorice, assorted chocolate treats and $0.18 from my kids! 
Then  hanging with my posse at the Varsity! 

 Vinny: "Look, mommy! Lovie has white feet!!"

 Last day of soccer!

 Random snuggling on the couch....

 Kids are having tons of fun with the belly!

 Proof that anyone can be turned into a dog-person!

 First night with our slipper jammies means the return of the Fat Show!!!

 Wrapped up our Native American/Pioneer Unit with some good company.

 Keeping in the vein of "rescue only--no pet stores or purebreds" we adopted 2 guinea pigs. 
Kids named them "Lola and Harriet Tubman." Mimi is head guinea-person, and assigns daily tasks to the boys. This, on top of her cat duties! She LOVES animals!!!
 Spent a day at Ikea with our good friends, the Sims!! 9 turned some heads!!

 Jason cooked the best T'giving dinner ever!! And then cleaned up!!

Snug little bugs...

Sunday, November 24, 2013

OK. Some updates. 
Way back in September...

George turned 9!!

 Best gift EVER from Nana!
 Birthday Breakfast: Bacon & egg quesadillas, chips and salsa, and chocolate cupcakes!

Lovie was excited to discover out we are having a girl! 
Vinny said, "If we decide to make her a boy, we can nail a penis on just like they did for Eeyore's tail..." 
Do with that what you will.

Goofing around...
 Lovie learning her math facts!!

Hard day at school--Natan didn't make it through Landforms!!

Saw the last Friday night Braves game--awesome seats! 
Natan caught one of the practice balls!!

Lovie having breakfast (!) and she completed a four-minute sit unassisted!!!!! 

Canadian Thanksgiving with good friends!!

Natan & Domino...does anyone else see how big Natan's feet are??? I guess he gets that from me!

Nana flew in a brought Swiss Chalet for some pregnant person!!! 
The Most Expensive Chicken Ever.

We walked in our ninth Heartwalk!

Spent a lovely Sunday at Vogel State Park in North Georgia. 


Week 23 picture

Which brings us to Hallowe'en!
Jason as a "Decomposer"
 Natan the Vampire
 Christopher Robin
 Frankenstein's monster and bride
 I was a stay-at-home Mummy and Lovie was a reluctant kitty!

November update coming soon...