Saturday, October 31, 2009

Good news!

This may not mean much to you, but it means a lot to a person who is discriminated against due to being HIV Positive or having AIDS:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Fab Four (a mother's opinion)

George: "I'm different than other people, aren't I, Mama..."

Natan: Drew an actual, recognizable picture! For those who know his issues, this is HUGE!

Mimi: We all had both our seasonal flu and H1N1 shots last week and all the boys cried and
fussed--at one point, George yelled while crying: "Do Natan first! Do Natan first!" Let's just say I hope he is never captured by the enemy, because we'll all go down! Mimi, the trooper, sat, stared down the needle and didn't even flinch--she is still reminding the boys daily of their pitiful behavior! And she is now convinced of being a doctor "when I get bigger because I am the gooder at having needles!"

Vinny: "Dow! Dow!" No, not stock market, but wanting to go "down" to the playroom with the big kids.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Good things do come to those who wait, and wait, and wait...

Two great things:
First, we finally received the notice for Natan's re-adoption!! We have spent the greater part of the past couple of years since bringing him home getting him re-adopted in the U.S., and managed to do it without a lawyer (and an almost $2000 bill!!). It CAN be done!
His "ceremony" will be in Judge McGarity's chambers on December 2. VERY exciting!
Yes, he is still an ET citizen carrying a green card, just like his green card carrying, Canadian Mama!! But not for long...

Second good bit of news: Our home study draft went to the agency this week--yay!! They will review it, make sure it is complete, and then we are closer to getting a referral!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Had a really nice time last night...with the kids.
I know for most, the definition of a good night is being without the kids and more than likely drinking heavily. Been there, done that. I spent a good deal of my high school and university years without kids, drinking heavily!
I simply enjoyed doing nothing with the kids. We just hung out. Vinny is so busy that he keeps us all entertained, and the kids are remarkable with him!
I am usually thinking, "I need to fold laundry," or "I really should go tidy the kitchen," or "I should be vacuuming..." so I spent the whole evening ignoring all the things that I could be doing and did what I want be doing--being with my kids.

Jason is painting my Mum's room in anticipation of her arrival in 3 weeks. The only thing I have to do today is deliver the three big kids to and from dance class and review our home study draft so it can be sent to our agency--which means we are one step closer to boarding the referral train!

Happy weekend!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Night No-Lights...

Sitting in the sun room with dimmed lights, a cup of tea, and four sleeping babies!
Enjoying an episode of Law & Order (no judgement all you Grey's and Desperate Housewives fans--just getting my Jack McCoy fix fix the weekend!)
Subject: a pro life man shoots an abortion doctor to prevent him from performing late month abortions.
The pro choice folks are arguing that late term abortions are justified when an unborn baby has a genetic glitch or some other medical crisis.
They think that they have the right to abort a baby if it is not healthy.
Two of my kids have special needs. If we had known about George's heart defect before he was born, would I have an abortion? No way. Some would.
If we had known would be facing a possible diagnosis of Autism with Natan, would we have refused his referral? No way. Some would.
Some people would like to have genetic testing to see if their children will be born healthy. otherwise, abort them.
In this particular episode, one character is a woman receiving a 7 month (28 week) abortion b/c her child had a health issue and would not be expected to live but a few days after birth. During the procedure, the woman goes into labor and delivers the baby. The doctor offers to "finish", the woman tells him to, and he terminates the baby, successfully delivered and alive, and since the woman does not want it, the baby is put in the medical trash bin. He was alive...
Does it matter when a baby is born with such severe health issues that he/she would only live hours? days? months?
Not to me. You love that baby no matter what for as much time as he/she has.
That baby should have a proper death and burial--not medical trash disposal.
I know, I's a TV show. But I know this happens.
If Mimi's parents had known she was a girl, she would have been aborted. In the past in China, women were forced to have nine-month abortions if it was discovered that they were carrying a girl.
For any pro choicers: spend time with a pregnant woman and go to some of her ultrasounds. Better yet, come with me to Ethiopia and experience how it feels to have a child placed in your arms in an adoption. A child who could have been aborted...
How many of you have a health issue you were born with or developed?
How many of you have children with or even just vaguely know someone with a health issue serious enough to impact life?
And just to piss some of you off, I also do not believe in the death penalty.
If I did, I would have every woman who has had an abortion living on death row...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Counting down...

If you've noticed the Disney ticker, there is only one month until the BIG TRIP!!
To prepare for the trip, we are letting the kids watch Mickey Mouse Playhouse in the morning--a change from our PBS-only rule. Still only 30 minutes each morning, so we haven't added an TV watching. (There are days, however!!)
As I enjoy my morning coffee, I am serenaded by all four, in their various voices, saying: "Miska, mooska, Mickey Mouse!" Vinny just says, "Me-mouse!" but I get his point!
We end the fun with the Hot Dog dance in which participation is mandatory by all--including Mom.
We are so ready...
For anyone who has travelled with a child who screams at the mere sight of any mascot, how did you handle it at Disney?

Change of heart...

I have written before about homeschooling and been set on doing it. However, in the past year, Jason and I have come to realize that it may not be the best fit for our kids, nor is it for many kids. And as much as parents have the right to make decisions about their child's education, what happens when those decisions aren't in the best interest of the kid? Before you get your panties in a wad--I am not telling any parent what to do--this is just about our family, and what we think is best for us.
Pam (cousin): you are excluded b/c I think you hit the homeschool nail on the head with Josh and set the bar for all parents who attempt it--YOU, I applaud!
As sad as we will be to see our two older kids go off, we know that for them, it will be the right thing to do. If it's not, we'll try Plan B.
I have worked with home schoolers before, and surprise--they are not different from "regular" kids. The girls still chase boys, the younger kids still fidget in their seats...I think often good behavior is simply mistaken for a lack of spunk! I'll take a spunky kid with lots if energy any day!
We want our kids to experience a wide range of educational opportunities: academics (and yes, they get that in the school environment), arts (they're there too, and can be supplemented at home), sports (it is part of a well-rounded education and would go a long way to getting America healthier!), science (and no, they  will not learn about creationism in public school), and community service (I know some people don't care about helping others, but we do).
As a former teacher, I take education seriously. I know teachers are bound by rules, tests, curriculum, etc., but I think that even with those limitations, kids get a better educational experience (excpet for Pam!!), than many home school students. And yes, there are exceptions besides my cousin. Some people make it work.
Of course, there are those who keep their kids out of school so they don't have to immunize. You already know how Jason and I feel about that: They are putting their children at risk, and they are also putting people's newborn babies at risk. In fact, they are putting our future daughter at risk until she is immunized. That's another blog post!
I have no grudge against kids who are home schooled--it's not their fault. In fact, I asked a group of home school kids once if they liked it, and over half said they actually wanted to be in school. Hmmm...makes you think, doesn't it?
So--Ola Elementary--Class of 2028 (?)--we will descend upon you in a year. We will be ready. Our kids will be six in kindergarten (giving them an edge!), they will be able to cut, paste, and do the things that kids their age should be able to do. The rest will left to their teachers, to be helped by us at home--this education thing is a partnership. We are not so arrogant as to presume we can do this alone. We are committed to making their school years meaningful--not just a chance for me to dump them every day and have free time.
It is not enough to tell people your kids are "so smart." You have to give your kids the chance to use their brains.
Brains, like the rest of our bodies, need to work, to exercise...
And, remember...if you are reading this, it's by your own choice. I am not holding a gun to your head. If you don't like what I write, then by all means, don't read! Am I a broken record on this point??

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, Monday

A few things:
It's finally normal, autumn weather! Crisp and cool and it just does the body good!
We attended a fall festival yesterday and the kids had a BLAST! Mimi was a tiger/kitty/lion, George was a pirate, Natan was a reluctant farmer, and Vinny worked it as a duck!

Why are we (specifically women), concerned with appearance and weight to the point of obsession? Look at Hollywood--the women are all, for the most part, hot and skinny. The men, for the most part, are not. And yet, only the hot skinny women get the roles. Any fat chumpy guy can land even the leading love in a romantic movie. It's not fair!
I gained 40 pounds being pregnant with George--I tipped the scale at 170 the day I delivered him. It took me a year and a bit to lose it all, and only after I got serious about it. Two hour walks pushing a double storller, running on the treadmill, lifting weights...being diligent about food...
I only gained 24 pounds with Vinny, and I started off at a lesser weight (by 2 pounds). It took me three months to wear my pre-Vinny clothing, but this time, that wasn't enough.
Ever since, I have been on a mission--lose more, lose more, more, more...
In May, I saw 126--I thought that would be enough. Then, I got to thinking, "why not 125?"
I decided against it, but it is always there in the back of my mind (and butt).
126 doesn't seem light enough. But it should be. Because my weight should not define me.
Part of the problem, I think, is that people around me constantly talk about it. I get a weekly update on the weight they've lost or gained. These same people will eat dessert, but the entire time say, "I'm going to pay for this tomorrow" or "I NEVER eat dessert." I probably say those things too.
I like feeling healthy.
But I like to eat good food and enjoy myself.
I think super skinny women who starve themselves are probably very bitchy most of the time beause they are missing out on one of the greatest comforts life offers: FOOD. Not lettuce and tuna, but real, honest to goodness FOOD.
So, eat up, ladies. You can be healthy without sacrificing your sanity.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Random Stuff

1. Please do not refer to Chinese people as "Oriental"--if you MUST attach a label, try "Asian" or "Chinese" or in Mimi's sake...Chinese-American.
Of course, if you want to announce that you are ignorant, be my guest--it will save me pointing it out to you!

2. When you feel the need to ask me, "So...are those two yours and the others are adopted?" just save us both the trouble and keep your mouth shut. All four children are MINE. Two came from my belly, and two came from someone else's. It doesn't matter how they got here...they are MY CHILDREN!!!!!

3. Appearances. They do not matter nearly as much as what your actions demonstrate. So many people talk a big talk, but when it comes right down to it...they are just not open minded about anything different from them. Color...gender...special needs....we are all the same, with only a few differences that keep it interesting.
FYI...we have 2 special needs kids. You can't love our two without accepting and loving others.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Spay and Neuter Your Damn Pets!!!!

We helped out a a neighborhood dog yesterday by bringing her in the house until her human parents returned home. She was out runing (again), and she is a sweet, big girl.
For the record, I do occasionaly do nice things--for animals, at least!!
Turns out she's running because she's in heat.
I realized this after finding blood in my sunroom. Gross? You bet!
Did I put her out? You bet! Besides the blood, she was tormenting Stanley, who has been neutered.
I know she is not being kept for breeding...they are just too cheap and lazy to have her fixed.
I believe that it is indeed one of the most irresponsible things people can do with their animals.
She spent the day running around Ola--I am sure there are some new puppies in her future very soon...
SPAY & NEUTER your pets, people!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

To be fair...

We spent last evening at the Henry County Fair.
Had a blast.
Left Vinny at home with Marilyn, so he was happy, but it felt a little lopsided without him!
Mimi & Natan LOVE the big rides, while George and Mommy prefer play games and win really crappy toys!!
The only downside was the Haunted House--we merely walked by it to get from point ! to B, and George had nightmares (literally!).
So...a good time was had by all!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Rainy days and Mondays...

Fell asleep (if you consider lying in bed not sleeping!), to rain and woke up EARLY this morning to rain...not a complaint, just a weather report!
Spent Saturday evening with about 50 or so families like us. People who have adopted, mostly from ET, but some like us, from Asia as well. It was the first of many monthly dinners at an Atlanta Ethiopian restaurant for families who have adopted from Ethiopia.
For the first time since we adopted Mimi, we weren't subjected to ignorant questions, rude stares, and plain out stupidity--what a nice change!
The kids had a great time, and we met some wonderful people. Next one is the same day as the Heart Walk--we will definitely be there!
Sunday had us at a post-nuptial reception for a friend and choir buddy. Way more elegant than we deserve! Delicious food, good company, and a babysitter! I have to admit (and you know I love being with my kids more than anything else!), it was nice to talk to adults, eat adult food, and not have to share my mini cupcake!!!!
It's also nice to lave your kids happy because they love who's watching them!
We are in crazy mode--what with Halloween decorations out and going up, the County Fair tomorrow, and Disney only 6 weeks away, the kids are on super hyper drive!
I will enjoy this unusual quiet time for a few more minutes before Wild Thing Number One rouses and flings himself downstairs.
I've had my hit of coffee crack--I am READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 03, 2009


I have recently joined an organization, "E.A.C.H." which stands for: Equality for Adopted Children.
Sadly, in this country, adopted children have not been/are not always granted the same rights as children born on American soil.
I know some of you probably do not think adopted children should have the same rights--I urge you to keep that to yourselves.
Here is a post from the E.A.C.H. website on a subject that I have been talking about for years:

Constitutional Amendment

Proposed Draft Constitutional Amendment:

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to allow children of American citizens to be eligible for the presidency.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress:

“Article ---

“A person who meets the age and residency requirements of this Constitution is eligible to hold the office of President if he or she was born in the United States while subject to the jurisdiction thereof; was born outside of the United States but derived United States citizenship at birth from either parent; or was born outside of the United States but was adopted by eighteen years of age by a United States citizen who could transmit United States citizenship to a child at birth.”

Why the hell shouldn't my adopted children have the same chance at running for President as my bio kids?
If you are in the group that thinks they are not as American as you, guess what?
You're not just an a-hole, you're an ignorant racist as well! Congratulations!!


I have never considered myself a high maintenance person.
Until now.
I think I have always been high maintenance, too.
The very fact that I am taking the time to write about it makes me HM.
I think I appear low maintenance because my fingernails are short and clean.
I do my own toenails...when I have time.
I don't have a cute do that takes hours in the morning.
I have a functional wardrobe to suit my life, even though I would prefer to wear Ann Taylor every day!
My make up is, and always has been, simple (which has been declared hot at Fashion Week--yay me!)
I am not anal about my home and everything being in it's place.
ITEM #1:
Jason often helps loads the dishwasher. Most women would be happy enough that their partner helps.
I am, don't get me wrong.
I like it loaded a certain way.
I load the cutlery so that it is grouped together in little compartments. Easier and faster unloading when I have a toddler trying to climb inside to search and destroy.
I load the mugs and glasses a certain way.
I load the plates a certain way.
When Jason does it, he has NO ORDER!!!! He just puts stuff in, devil-may-care!
I always re-load. Huge waste of time, I know, but there it is.
ITEM #2:
I can't believe for one minute I am the only person out there who likes it a certain way.
My friend Selena makes (or at least, used to make) hers so that the PB was spread on one piece of bread, and the J was spread on the other piece of bread.
Me, I spread my PB (and only a measure of 1 tbsp), on one side, from edge to edge--no uncovered parts, and it is pretty neat and smooth.
Then, the J (again, 1 tbsp) covers the PB.
Jason's PBJ:
Slop on a glob of PB and J in that once again, devil-may-care haphazard way. Then, slap the other slice of bread over it--regardless of how the edges match up!!!!!

Perhaps I should stop at 2 items.
Perhaps I am not high maintenance.
Maybe I'm just a freak.
A freak who knows what she likes.
Geez...I'd better go make a list of all the other freakish things I do...
Hmmm, nothing at all HM about making lists, right???