Friday, July 31, 2009

Mommy Baby Yoga

I know there actually exist out there several programs that offer "Mommy/Baby Yoga".
Mine isn't one of them.
My Yoga consists of me doing yoga and Vinny sitting on me...pulling my ponytail...tickling my feet...and whatever else fancies him!
The finale was Vinny jumping on my stomach in the "Let's just relax and unwind" portion of the session.
I think I see a video series in my future!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bums Away!

So...the kids are potty trained but still want their bums wiped after pooping (just to make sure)!
Evidently, Mimi has taken on a new chore--today when George yelled, "Help I poop-ted!" she went running and before either of us could get to him, she was wiping G's bottom.
And she did a fine job, too!

Ayaan Hirsi Ali cont...

"Submission Part 1" is the movie that Ayaan Hirsi Ali made with Dutch Director, Theo Van Gogh. He was brutally murdered as a result of making the movie in 2004. She now lives under the threat of death for speaking out against Islam.
Right after that is the interview between Ali and Anderson Cooper. She is a phenomenal and inspiring woman...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Everything & Nothing...

In Love...
So much to write, and my mind simply shuts down when I sit here...
I love my kids. There. I said it. I think they are perhaps the most beautiful, outstanding, gorgeous, happy creatures I have ever known.
Yes, I know other people love their kids too. And I know they think their kids are all that. But aren't we, as parents, supposed to think our kids are the most fantastic?
So there. I admit it. I am madly in love.
And yes, Jason is pretty OK too!
My problem is that I forget to focus on the moment. I pay too much attention to the chores that need to be that should be accomplished. The kids are growing up so fast, and I am afraid that it will be over with in the blink of an eye.
My new goal is to forget about the crap and focus on what counts. The laundry will still be there, waiting to be put away. The vacuuming can wait another day. But my kids are not always going to say,"Watch me, Mommy!" or want to curl up on my lap and snuggle. They are going to, someday, want to spend more time with their friends than their parents. They will not always ask to sleep with us. So...I am going to enjoy each moment. Chores be damned!

It's Not Over Till...
On that note...we had a lovely party for Mimi on Thursday with most of the usual suspects present, plus a few newbies.
However, our day did not end happily. Post party, we went to register for dance. On the way home, George used the glass breaker (which Jason keeps in the car for emergencies and failed to notice George playing with), to break his window in the Mac Daddy Van. We heard a sound that really sounded like a gunshot.
Here is my confession: I yelled. All the way home. First at George because he scared the crap out of me and all I could see were shards of glass all over the seat he was sharing with Vinny. Then, I yelled at Jason. because he was oblivious to the fact that George, right under his nose, found the glass breaker and was using it as a toy while I was inside the dance studio.
So there. I yelled. I did not use profanity. There was no need. I don't spank, but I can rip a good tongue lashing off when necessary. I believe it worked. Both boys were chagrined and I do not believe George will attempt any such stunt again. I can't speak for Jason.
Don't judge me. Sometimes a Momma gots to yell.

Vinny is now waving and saying "Hi!" to everyone we see, including all present family members. He is a talker! "Tiko" means "tickle." "Ta-too" means "thank you."
And the dancing continues, with some new and improved hip hop moves!

Natan is improving every day and I think it is in part to Mimi and George. He repeats everything they say, and actually has some meaningful conversations with them and us. I am so glad I kept him home instead of going the Special Ed route.

Mimi is sleepwalking again. She managed to get down to the TV Room the other night (2 flights of stairs), whimpering but not aware. She had not recollection the next day. I slept with her to make sure she was OK, and she did not remember that, either. Hmmm...

George. Obsessed with robots. Obsessed with his penis. Obsessed with dying (ever since Dad's funeral). Obsessed with signs that say "NO--" It's the slash line that he seems to like. Obsessed with car washes.

So I've rambled on. Before I five favorite things this week so far (yes, I know it's only Monday!)
1. My Mom. For many reasons, but in particular, an offer she made to us that I will divulge later.
2. Slum Dog Millionaire. OMG. What an awesome movie.
3. Tropical Desire: Canadian bacon, pineapple slices, tomato, lettuce, Swiss cheese, grilled on an English muffin.
4. Steroids. Don't ask. But I love drugs!!!
5. Augusten Burroughs and David Sedaris (equally talented authors whom I love!).

Thursday, July 23, 2009

5 alive!

Five years ago today, Lou Fu Si was born. That wasn't her name until she was discovered in a park a few days later.
Now she's Mimi and I can't imagine what it was like before we met...
We may not have been there on that day five years ago, but we are here today. And man are we going to celebrate!!
We are having a Panda Luau today! Mimi is all about the party...especially the cake.
Let the good times roll!
Here is a short video montage of her life thus far:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good Times...

Spent the day in Birmingham with the good to see ML and the kiddos int heir new and fabulous house!
At one rest stop, the kids saw a mother smoking while holding her toddler's hand. Their response:
"Her teeth are going to turn black. Then she is going to die. She's a bad mama, isn't she?"
Jedi Master...taught them well we have!

I also love that when we were up in Cobourg, whenever the kids saw someone smoking (of which we saw a lot), they would point and exclaim loudly: "Why do you want to die?? Mommy? Daddy? Are those idiots?"
My instinct would normally have been to shush them...but not anymore. You wanna smoke around my kids? Good luck with that. Oh, and good luck with your future cancer. Hope it's worth it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


So Uber Boy Baby Vinny is not only walking but also talking! Like a maniac!
His current three favorite activities:
Dancing. Put on some fast, rockin' music, and he immediately starts bouncing and moving his arms! Yes, I have video to upload!
Saying, "Cheese!" with toy camera in hand
Saying, "Aaaa....CHOO!"

Never a dull moment...

Also, kudos to Jason for transforming my piano studio for me. Can't wait to see what my students think!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Random musings...

Click here to read about an incredible woman.
I devoured her book on the way to Cobourg...could blog for hours but won't.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali answered many of the nagging questions I have always had regarding organized religion. Here are a few, and no, I don't want personal answers!
How much does a person have to suffer and still be expected to believe in some/any sort of higher being?
Is faith in the untouchable necessary?
Is faith in things concrete enough? If so, why are people judged for being Agnostic or Atheistic?
Why do people use religion to justify behaviors/decisions that are clearly human?
What matters most: how you treat others, or how well you know the bible or other religious text?
Maybe it's time I packed it in and went to bed...
For those concerned that I am actually reading smart literature, fear not: I also read several discount "cottage" books--books that are perfect for sitting in jammies, drinking coffee, and ignoring children! Fast, fun, and good for the soul...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Boy in the Mirror

George just came and told me that "someone is being mean to me." I naturally assumed Mimi or Natan...turns out it was the boy in the mirror, staring back at him, being mean.
Well. We told that boy in the mirror. I made him apologize, which he did, and now all is well.
The final mark was George shutting off the light and making the mean boy in the mirror go away.
Man oh man.

Canada Pics

Uploaded all our Canada trip pictures yesterday. They are in "Family Pictures" which you can now find under the Google ads.
Also added a few more to "May 2009."

It makes (Ad) Sense???

I have added Ad Sense from Google to the blog...I apologize in advance if it is a pain.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Home again, home again...

Arrived home last night, 11:30 after 2 solid days int he van. Survived! Kids watched "Wall E" umpteen times...very clever little movie!
Almost didn't come home, mainly because we wanted to stay! However, pay checks are kind of a nice way to pay for things, so here we are, back in McD.
We extended our trip from Cobourg to head to Nova Scotia for a visit with Sara and Dwayne and to hang in "Nana's Blue House" on the Point. Ahhhh...let the slug behaviour commence!
Daily schedule at the Blue House:
Wake up. Drink coffee. Read. Think about getting dressed. Stay in jammies. Drink more coffee. Eat breakfast. Continue reading. Check to make sure the kids are safe (playing outside). Read some more. Make and drink more coffee. Drag yourself to change into cottage attire. Read. Lunch. Read. Nap. Dinner at Aunt Sa's and Uncle Dane's. Walk on Point. Get back into jammies. Read. Hot tea. Read. Fall asleep. Go up to bed.
Repeat daily.
Have I mentioned that we LOVE Nana's Blue House?? It sits up a hill at the end of a long lane. Ocean to the front and side. Cows in the surrounding fields. No TV. No computer.