Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Hallowe'en!

Spent this Hallow's Eve with the Knolls and had a delicious supper, followed by Trick or Treating. Must say, "It's not like in the olden days!!" when every house opened its door and kids in costumes had the thrill of having candy placed in a bag!
Now, most people just stick a bowl of candy on the front porch and do not even open the door.
The second house we visited had it all: scary sounds, cobwebs, the works! This lead to George running away yelling, "Jorge doesn't like Hallowe'en!!!!" and he never really got past it. Jack and Mimi were pretty into it--for Mimi, the candy overrides the fear of ANYTHING! For Jack, it was all about ringing the door bell! Natan, in his clown fro, just toddled along, mesmerized by his "safety glow" armband, thoughtfully provided by Rachael. Vincey hung back with the menfolk, who gave out candy to the two or three kids who dared trick or treat!!!!
And a good time was had by all. Pictures coming soon...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hee! Hee!

So...Mimi, Natan, Vinny and I are in the kitchen, George is outside with the dogs.
OUT OF THE BLUE, Mimi says, "Mama, I like having a tootie. If I didn't have a tootie, I couldn't go wee-wee."
I'm not sure whether that is profound thinking or not, but it sure made me laugh--hence the reason I am out here blogging it--I dare not laugh in front of her!!!!!!
I hope you all have a day like mine--full of pleasant surprises and much laughter!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Too funny!!!!

I just received this email from a news source I subscribe to in support of Obama...I LOVE it!!!! if only they knew that Araminta Montague really can't vote!!!!!

Noah's Ark

We spent Tuesday afternoon at Noah's Ark with Aunt Sally and had FUN!!!!! Mimi's only comment was that it was long...they got a little tired near the end, but we made it with no melt downs!!
I've posted the pictures (along with some others from October) in Picasa.
Here is one to entice you to see more!!!!

The Mighty Dragon Hunters!

Here is one I love from the day we went dragon hunting...our street is now dragon-free and very safe!

Monday, October 20, 2008


George and Mimi: Discussion about their new found "burp" and "fart" buttons that are in their tummies. Evidently, THAT is what controls the enormous belching and stinky gas that is emitted by said parties. How do you turn THOSE buttons off?????
They redeem themselves by singing "Where is Thumbkin" over and over again!!!!!!

Some thoughts today: (and I don't give a rat's behind if you agree or not!!!!!)
As North Americans, we DO have the responsibility of taking care of each other, no matter what our political differences may be. And yes, sometimes that means government run programs!! You may think you have walked in someone else's shoes, but chances are, you have no idea...and having a higher than normal Macy's bill does NOT count as suffering.
While I'm at it--to those of you who are against gay marriage, why--why are you so against it? What effect will it have on your life? You seem a little threatened. Hmmmm...maybe it's closer to you than you want to admit?? It all just seems very hateful, in the name of whatever your weak argument may be.
Finally, this election is really showing people's true colors--seems that most people do hide, right there under the surface--serious, racist hearts. How sad--I once considered some of these people friends. Oh well, at least now I know.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More kid stuff...

Mimi: "Mama...? Am I a good draw-er? Like Mary Liz??"

George: "I love you so much."

Natan (from his seat in "The Van") : "Stop the car! Stop the car!"

Both exclaimed this morning: "Let's do Mommy School!!!!!" Rock on.

Good morning...

Ah!! It was a facebook glitch--I went to bed feeling crappy because someone had thought of me as malicious...not the way you want people to see you! start today off on a good note:
All 3 older kids are obsessed with the Wizard of Oz (or, the "Wizzerozz" as they call it). They grab brooms and fly around the yard, cackling and hiding in the "castle", then finding each other, just as Dorothy does in the movie. George even reenacts the witch's death scene at the end: "I'm melting...I'm melting! Who would've thought..."
It's all very cute and they actually act it out more than they watch it!
Another great upside to them not being in preschool: they played outside yesterday for a total of 6 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!
George just walked in to the studio where I'm typing, clinging to himself and saying in the most pathetic voice ever..."I'm cold...I'm so cold..." It's 65 degrees. He's a southern boy through and through, eh??!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Like I Said Before...

So, it seems that the link to this blog has been tagged as "malicious" on sure if that means someone has read my entries and is offended (don't care), or it's a facebook glitch.
So, all I can assume is that there is someone who doesn't like the occasional kid story, or disagrees with my opinions.
If you are reading this now--did I force you to read my blog? NO.
If you are reading this now, do I care if you agree with me or not? NO.
This blog is exactly what the title says: Ramblings... They are my own little thoughts and reactions to the stuff that happens in a day. It is not meant to offend, however, I realize some people think that anyone who has a differing view of either religion or politics is offensive. I do not use the "f" word...I only say "penis" when it is part of a kid story...and again...I DID NOT FORCE YOU TO READ IT!!!!!
So...if you are the "I-can-only-think-inside-my narrow-close minded-box" person who tagged my blog and you are STILL reading this blog...just for the record: I don't like you. What happened to free speech? If you can be a bigot...then I can be a bleeding heart liberal.
Get off my blog!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pirate Spotting!

At Walmart the other day...a man walked in with an eye patch (OMG). George spotted him and YELLED:
"Hey, Pirate! Hi Pirate!! Pirate! PIRATE!!!!!!!" for a very long time.
Oi vey.

Politics rears its ugly head...

I do not define myself by either politics or religion--I would list both categories last on a list of "Things that Define Me". However, I keep receiving emails from folks that seem to be under the impression that I, like them, am also a conservative Republican, and I would like to clear the air!
I am not a McCain/Palin fan...for many reasons. If I am ever able to vote (only once any adopted child/citizen living in this country is eligible to run for President will I change my citizenship), I will not vote Republican. Ever.
So, the only thing left to say is...
Obama '08!
What? You're surprised that I am a Democrat? Oh, and not just a Democrat...a bleeding heart, LIBERAL one!!!!!!! I don't even own a real bra, for Pete's sake!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

To Jill (and whoever else cares to read)

You are in for the longest wait of your life (my opinion only). But man, when that call/photo comes, it will seem like you filed your papers yesterday!!!
PLEASE keep me posted, and I hope I can spread the good news for you around here! I hope that Natan had a little to do with your decision...lie to me if he didn't!!!!!
For those who have no idea, my oldest friend (yes, we've known each other since...1979??), Jill, is adopting a child from Ethiopia. For those who know me well, you know this makes me feel GREAT!!!
There are five moments in my life I will NEVER forget:
  1. my third date with Jason (and not for the reason you're probably thinking right now!)
  2. when I handed George over to the surgical nurse, after waiting ALL day for his postponed surgery...I remember handing him over, and then being aware of being held by Lynna S...and feeling that if she let go, I would die. I don't remember how she got me, but I'm sure glad she did...
  3. the moment I looked out the window of the China Centre for Adoption Affairs in Changsha, China, and saw Ellen in the arms of her social worker...and knew I would meet her in less than five minutes--our daughter...
  4. the day Diane called me and said, "Are you sitting down?" and I KNEW it was "the call" with Natan's referral...yes, I cried over the phone!
  5. the moment I got to sit up and watch Vincent enter the world--because this time was so much easier the doctor hiked me up to see him come out! Jill, and anyone else waiting for that one great moment...or five great moments...enjoy them, don't let anyone lessen them for you, and don't be afraid to cry about them!!
Keep me posted!!!!


Just some stuff that I should write down but forget...
  • The kids are now in LOVE with the Wizard of Oz movie (long story)...they talk alot about "podadoes" which I have figured out means "tornadoes"--they will tell you that if there is a "podadoe", you should go the TV room in the basement, get into the cupboards, and hide!
  • Mimi's new favorite thing to say: "'re the best boss and the best Mama in the whole, wide world." To which I always reply that SHE is the best Mimi in the whole wide world!
  • Natan is George's mini-me, repeating and doing everything EXACTLY like big bro George!
  • Whenever George hears "You Are So Beautiful", he says, in this order, with no break between thoughts: "I was teeny-tiny when Mommy sang the song...Joe Cocker's my friend. Can we go see him? No, he's in the hospiter...his tummy hurtin'..."
  • Mimi: "Mama, would you teach me the letters so I can know the words so I can read?" She can write half the letters in the alphabet, and is pretty much just learning by reading every day!
  • Natan has gone two FULL days in underwear and NO MESSES!!!!! Yay!
  • All three are still talking about the wonder that is the Henry County Fair...and desperate to return!!
  • All three can now say, "Livin' in a van, down by the river" in a very good Chris Farley-esque manner!
There's so much more...but that's all this saturated brain can process at 10:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

$80K later...

(This is not a vent, just an economic observation...even though it sounds a bit "venty!") many of you know, George spent 24 hours at Egelston a couple of weeks ago. We received his bill today:
That's what it cost to keep him overnight--that's not even the bill for the heart cath.
For those who are NOT in debt, be grateful. Be grateful that you don't have these bills every three to six months.
We are, unashamedly, in debt. We weren't in debt until George's heart condition. Now we are. We were on the plan to pay off our house in ten years, have great family vacations, etc., etc.!!!
Would we trade George for all the money in the world?? No. He's worth ever penny.
There are those who would not have adopted, because they knew there were going to be ongoing expenses throughout G's life. And, adoption is not free or cheap.
Would we trade Mimi and Natan for retirement funds? Or a paid off house? Never. They too, are worth it.
I guess it's all in your perspective. I listen to some folks whose greatest pride seems to be that they have no mortgage, they pay only with cash (although we do that now too), and have no debt whatsoever...I used to think those were all important goals. Until we had these kids. Now, I would sell my lungs to give them what they need, debt be damned!
So, enjoy your debt free lives...while we enjoy our beautiful children!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Just stuff...

I just read my sister's blog entry for today. One of her closest friends "Down East" died a few days ago after struggling with cancer. It made me realize (as I often do at random times), how fragile life is, and how we make such a big deal out of things that really don't matter at all.
We get so caught up in life's pettiness that we lose sight of certain things: our children and their health...our own health...those who have nothing...those who are starving for food, family, and a simple hug or smile...babies born in countries where their only chance of survival is to be given up for adoption...children living in this country whose parents are so crappy that they have to be given up for adoption...people who are homeless (it is NOT their fault--even if that makes me a bleeding-heart!)...people who don't have someone to love or to love them back.
I watched the Ellen Show yesterday as a treat while I put away laundry. To quote her and her guest, here is the best advice I've heard in a long time:
"Don't be an ass."
Words to live by.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Montague Fun!

Last week had some exciting events...
Thursday saw the arrival of Big Mac Daddy--the new van!!! It feels huge, and the kids LOVE it!!
Then, that evening, we decided to attend the Henry County Fair. We all had a blast! Mimi is definitely her Daddy's girl--eats up those rides! George is more like me and enjoys them but always with the feeling of impending doom!!!! Natan just grinned and screamed! It was all priceless! Even Vinny enjoyed himself in between cat naps. Made for a rough Friday morning, with everyone sleepy, but totally worth it.
On Friday, we took Aunt Sally to Panola State Park for some playground fun and a wasp-ridden lunch, visited the nature center, and headed home.
Looking forward to getting back on schedule!
Pictures have been uploaded...I'm finally back on track!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Things I will not put up with anymore...

A couple of people have complained that I haven't vented in awhile, so here goes:
(Remember, no one forces you to read my blog and I am not linked to any organization for which I work--if you do not like what I write do not read it.)

Things I Will Not Put Up With Anymore

1. People (adults, not kids or youth, since they are still subject to the teachings of home and that ridiculous thing called school), who INSIST on making racial slurs and acting as if it shouldn't bother me. My daughter is Asian, on of my sons is African, two are Caucasian. Deal with it. When you make a racial slur, it DOES include my children--and from here on in, I will be very vocal to you until you shut your mouth. Is that clear enough fer ya???? If you are related to me or are simply my friend, grab some balls and stand up for my kids--dare to NOT be ignorant! I don't care what the situation is--racism and ignorance are NEVER acceptable.

2. Magazines making us all think that the way Hollywood women look is how all women should look. problem to spend four hours a day working out with a personal trainer and then eating 6 small meals throughout the day which my personal chef has prepared with the unlimited funds I have! I do a fast but intense workout everyday, with three small children at me feet, asking questions...hanging from the weight equipment...and crawling under my Downward Dogs! And I am my own personal chef!

3. People being hypocrites. After the ridiculous homophobic "incident" in our church last fall, where a group of people reacted very foolishly toward another human being, I continue to be disgusted by their own, personal behavior. These same people, who callously judged another, do not live up to their own moral judgements. They get drunk very regularly (ok if you have no children, but grow up and get responsible if you are a parent). They claim to be "christians" but push me even further toward what I know to be true.
If you insist on using the bible as a means to win an argument (which I would never do for reasons that I will not elaborate on!), how about the part where it says you should take the stick out of your own eye...

4. "Gay Bashing"
Not a term I am fond of, but it sums it up. The only thing that separates a straight person from a gay person is who we sleep with at night, which is nobody's business. Why are republicans and christians so obsessed with gay sex? Hmmm...
Straight people have proven that marriage is hard--the divorce rate is somewhere around 50%, right?? Why shouldn't gay people be legally married? Straight people certainly screw it up enough. Maybe the gay community will get it right. Love=love, no matter what.

There. Venting completed. I am going to drink my NyQuil and go to bed. And my sober self is going to snuggle my sober husband and be grateful that we have one another.