Monday, February 25, 2013

"George: "Mommy!!!! Do you know how much JUNK I have???"
Me: "Yes--throw some of it out then!"
George: "NOOOOO!!! It's special junk!"

So...after a pretty crummy weekend, everything is back to normal around here!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Going along in our nice little life...with only a couple of things to vent about!

1. I was pregnant. And now I'm not. Went for a routine check and there was no heartbeat. And yes, we were sad. Very sad.The kids knew about the baby, but they also knew from the beginning that sometimes things don't always go as planned. This was one of those cases. And I'm glad they knew so we could all go through it together. Vinny said, "I'm glad the dead baby wasn't any of us..." Me too, Vinny. Me too.
My vent comes from this: People who say to me, "You're crazy..." every time we add a new kid. WE are not crazy. We just want a large family. And we want to spend time together as a family. A woman said this to me the other night (obviously heard only the pregnancy gossip--not the miscarriage that followed) and I wanted to reply (but didn't because, believe it or not, I am not rude in person--just in my head!!), "You know what is crazy?? Having a dead fetus living in me while my body takes its sweet time expelling it. But thanks for your concern."
It is much nicer when people (like Anonymous, for example), hear your news, hug you and laugh. Not at you (I think!), but out of happiness. And they don't say you're crazy, even if they think it. That's a friend. And yes, the new baby card from my sister and brother in law was well-received, even if it came a day too late! I kept it. Because it was cute. And I'll have it for the next one!

2. This quote on FB: There is not a government program to fix your life. YOU are your own program.
Sure, I guess you are your own program. are three years old. And blind. And deaf. And have severe brain damage. And cannot function without total dependence on the people around you. are a single mom who lost her husband when she was 7 months pregnant. And is, after 8 years, still trying to make ends meet and not neglect her child. So many cases that no one knows about. It is SO EASY to judge others when you yourself have a cushy little life. If a person feels that he or she needs help and the government is offering and it does help, then leave that person alone. You don't know the whole story. And I know sometime the system gets "worked." Let it go. Be THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that you do not need to depend on assistance. Try being kind and helps.

Phew. I feel better. Well, except for the baby thing. That sucks.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday, Lovie!!!!!

Monday, February 04, 2013

So here is what I found while having my morning coffee. A great article by a fellow HS mom who, like me, knows this is not easy. Unlike her, I realized early on that school is not every one of my kids' favorite thing. Mimi LOVES it. Natan tolerates it. George DISLIKES it (for the record, I hated every day of school for as long as I can remember). Vinny wants to be in fifth grade and can already read early phonetic readers. This was tough at first. However, just like this mom, I have learned to tailor my HS day to meet the needs of my four. Mimi would sit and do school all day until dark. George is happiest during recess. I refuse to medicate for conditions such as ADHD. There are far more creative ways to channel all that energy.
There is no set rule for when they need to reach goals, nor is there a rule on how I have to teach them. I am not bound by state or county guidelines. We are going to learn about dinosaurs this month simply because we want to. There is no standardized test at the end of the year to determine how smart they are. I know their strengths, and I know the areas that need more attention. 
I edited this to highlight the main points. And I am posting it so I can refer back to it over the years...this blog is really just my way of keeping track of all that goes on around here anyway!!

Written by Toni Anderson of The Happy Housewife
I have a child who hates school.
This is hard for me to admit because it feels like I failed. I failed my son, my family, and the homeschool community.
The bottom line… ten years ago I tried to force a square peg into a round hole, and it didn’t work. Instead of focusing on what he could do I worried about all the things he couldn’t.

Slow Down

My biggest mistake with my older son was that I started too early. Who decided that all kids should start school when they’re five?
Just because a book, friend, neighbor, or mother-in-law tells you your child should be able to do X, Y, and Z at a certain age doesn’t mean they can.
You know your child better than anyone.
They will learn how to read, write sentences, add and subtract, and tell time. But they don’t have to do it all before they turn six.

Change it Up

The benefit of homeschooling is that you can tailor your child’s education to fit their needs. 

Set Small Achievable Goals

Don’t overwhelm your reluctant learner with a laundry list of “to-dos.” Set manageable short term goals and celebrate with your child when they reach them.
Some reluctant learners need a simple incentive to help them meet their goals.

Involve Them in the Process

Children like to have control over something, so let them have a say in what they are learning. Let them pick out a few library books, help plan their schedule, or choose a field trip.
Giving them ownership of their education can change attitudes and outcomes.

Don’t Give Up

Many children who are reluctant learners bring a bit of a bad attitude to the school table.
Don’t get discouraged. While it might seem easier to give up and let this child play on the computer all day than fight with them to finish their schoolwork this will hurt you and them long term.

Don’t Confuse Reluctancy with Disobedience

Reluctancy does not justify disobedience. Even if your child struggles it is important to set guidelines and boundaries for them.
You know your child best and are able to determine whether you are dealing with attitude or learning issues.

It’s Not About You

I believe that as homeschoolers we tend measure our success by our children’s. A child who reads at age three, writes their first novel at eight, and takes community college classes at thirteen must have an amazing mother who homeschooled them, right?
That child might have an amazing mother, but they are probably pretty motivated too. Your child’s struggles do not mean you’re a failure as a homeschool mom.
It is hard to work to teach a reluctant learner, there will be tears (yours and theirs) and you will wonder if it is worth it.
It is.
My little reluctant learner now has a cheerful attitude when it comes to school. He is first at the table every day and even does extra school work without being asked. He still struggles but he realizes it’s just part of the process and he wants to learn just as badly as I want him to learn.
He will overcome his struggles and succeed. He already has.

Friday, February 01, 2013

So...we had an interesting day of weather Wednesday. As a result, we found 6 inches of water in our basement this afternoon!! And over a foot right outside! Ahhh...Georgia rain!
Spent the first part of the morning in the basement waiting out the tornado sirens and because Jason called and said, " should go to the basement." He NEVER says "take cover" so if he tells me to, I listen! That part was OK. What was NOT OK? Domino pooping right where we were all sitting. Really? Now, a more organized and prepared tornado-take cover-person would have had her camera so you could see the pictures of five kids (4 of them holding their noses)...2 dogs...1 cat...and this all before my morning coffee. is a recap of the past while!

Natan is LOVING Karate!

 George played his final game and earned this trophy. We are now officially addicted to basketball...had the best experience with College Park Rec!

Jason attended a music conference last week in Savannah so we tagged along sans Lovie, who stayed at home with Nana.
First stop: Tybee Island! 
Their pants didn't stay on long before they got in the water!! 

On to the Pirate's House (built in 1734!) for lunch...
looks like too much ale!

The Waving Girl Statue. 

Shooting each other with cannons.

Johnny Mercer!

We visited the oldest African American church in North America. They told us Dr. ML King practiced his famous speech here.

The trolley tour guide had to stop talking when we approached this monument--my four went CRAZY seeing Oglethorpe's statue!  FINALLY! They saw it after months of waiting! A good moment for this mom/teacher!

Who likes cemetery games? We do! Mimi won the "Find the oldest grave stone"game with this one, dated 1796!!

 No respect--but lots of fun!!
OK. So here we are waiting for the last trolley--after 5:00, there are no more. SOMEONE said, "Why don't we just walk? It's not far." After much groaning from my crew, we started out toward the river. Well, I thought it was toward the river. If you know me, you know my sense of direction is highly skewed. We were passing a dog grooming shop that I remembered seeing on the walk from Forsyth Square. Then, I realized we walking AWAY from the river!!! Wow--can someone say mutiny! A quick break for chocolate and we were re-energized. Finished the walk to River Street just in time to catch a boat to pick up Jason. And surprise--the long walk didn't kill any of us!
All in all, we rocked Savannah!