Monday, February 28, 2011

Mimi and I had a little GNO tonight after Girl Scouts...QT and Walmart! On the way home she stated that she had too many boys to keep track of and was hoping for some girls in soccer this week! She then had to clarify that she did not include Daddy because "He is not a boy...he's just a Daddy."
We are almost through Cookie season in GS--I will happy to see the end of it! If I eat another Samoa I will burst! More time on the treadmill!
We are gearing up for our little Jolly Holiday this weekend--just an overnight thing, but we are super excited just the same!
Back taking the Nexium for my vocal chords. I think it's helping, but I'm just not sure. I did some more research and it seems that a mere drop of acid on vocal folds can cause swelling. Mystery continues...
Still no referral. Beyond frustrated at the wait. It just plain sucks.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

sweet somethings...

Mimi, while watching me get ready: "I don't think you need makeup, Mama. You're pretty without it." I'll take that.

George, this morning, came to me and said: "I did some laundry. I didn't want you to have to do everything by yourself." I must be ding something right!

And...on the hoarse voice front. I have done more research--wait--doesn't my ENT get a boat load of money to do what I am doing for myself?? Well, I'm back on Nexium. Screw the holistic route. I thought it was working, but now I'm thinking not.
I *heart* Western medicine.
No we wait and see...

Still no referral and it's driving me crazy. Adoption is just like being pregnant and giving birth. You wait and wait, and then you have this intense, emotional experience. For me, there is little difference. Anyone without kids, or anyone who has not adopted, may not get that. Oh well.

On that note...just to refresh...I consider our adopted children my flesh and blood. They are as much a part of Jason and I as the other two. There are those--and shamefully, those who know better--who do not see Mimi and Natan the same as George and Vinny. How sad for them. They just do not know what they miss out on. Someone even said to me when we had just adopted Ellen, "I wasn't sure if I could love Ellen like I love George." Someone then defended that person's comment when I repeated it. To those two people, I say, "You aren't really capable of real love then. Obviously. Don't say those things to me. They are not good things to say. And don't defend those who say them. Love my four-almost-five equally or not at all.

There, Tom. Is that better?????!!!!! P.S. George found a GA tech picture frame and asked me if he could have it when he goes there. Amen to that!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I got nailed tonight for not posting--not naming names!!!!
So much happens in a day around here, and then when I get a minute to write it down...I can't remember ANYTHING!
Something funny happened after choir tonight--George was sitting on a chair waiting for me, and I NOTICED that he had not worn underwear today and was wearing shorts...OMG. Thank goodness he had been in the front row for rehearsal!
The Tussahaw Young Singers is off to a great start! Had good auditions and a good first rehearsal. Hardest part is choosing music! Trying to plan our first concert for early June...
School is still motoring along nicely. I love hearing them say, "I love ______!" A validation of sorts. They are really loving reading through a set of "How and Why" books that a very generous friend gave us. Learning about moon shadows, falling stars, clouds, etc. And they're eating it up!
We have "On Demand" again after years of having only basic cable. I have to admit...I am LOVING it! No more crappy shows while I run on the treadmill! My current favorite addiction: "The Big C" on Showtime. I can squeeze in two episodes for a really good run!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mimi was looking at some money today and wanted to know why there was a picture of Beethoven on the money. I think she was disappointed when I told her it was actually Washington.

Saturday, February 05, 2011


Some photo updates--the rest have been uploaded to Picasa.
Daddy/Daughter Girl Scout Dance--1980s theme! Jason wore his Band/Tuba jacket...'nuff said!
Our Girl Scout Daisies at Thinking Day!
GA Tech Womens' Basketball--LOVED it!
Natan lost his first tooth! The Tooth Fairy took it and now he wants it back!
Our wonderful day trip to Savannah--loved hangin' with my kids! The concert the end of the day was worth the trip!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Lots going on...
1. Natan lost a tooth the day after we got home from Disney! He was VERY proud!
2. Had 20 kids show up for Tussahaw auditions tonight--I am SUPER excited to get this choir going!
3. Jason laid a new floor in the basement playroom last weekend.
4. Savannah day trip was great--I managed four kids along River street! They had a blast and can't wait to go back for longer and do a Trolley Tour!
5. Gearing up for our annual Chinese new Year party!
6. Signing up for soccer (Mimi) and baseball (George) this weekend.