Sunday, August 28, 2011

Had another great week of school...learned a LOT about hurricanes, Osmosis, and Van Gogh.

Vinny's combo of "Sunflowers" and "Red Poppies".

Natan's "Sunflowers"

George's "Starry Starry Night"

Mimi's "Sunflowers"

Our Osmosis project waiting for us tomorrow--results!

Learning about can't see them, but we planted some beans!

A bonus was finding this turtle on our driveway during recess one day last week!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Off to a late start this morning--attended a Faculty Recital at Woodward last evening, which my four sat through like old pros!! Mimi described watching Jason play as, "like something on fast forward." Natan thought he was kind of like a rock star! Me too--he rocked! Best one there!!
Had a great first week of school! The kids are loving their Flat Stanley project and want to know about EVERYTHING having to do with the world--that's a lot of information!
I have noticed people's reactions when they ask about school and then find out that we home school. Of course, most people who already know do not ask the kids about school because they likely don't agree with us. Oh, wait...I don't care!! However, I do always clarify why--it has NOTHING to with religion--I do not consider that part of any quality academic curriculum. We chose to home school because our choices were slim (OK, and we couldn't afford Woodward!!)....because of the over-testing kids are subjected to...because every time I turn around, all I hear from teachers is moaning and groaning about their jobs... because arts programs are being cut all over....and mainly, because we love our kids enough to give up every last ounce of free time and devote it to giving them the best that they deserve. Is it easy? Of course not. Nothing good ever is!! Are we happy? More than I can describe here in words. Is it right for everyone? No. Do we know how long we will do this? No idea. But for now, it works. And we were able to stay out until late last night watching our favorite guy, Big Daddy J, perform Prokofiev.
I think things are pretty great around here...

Monday, August 15, 2011

The last few days in no particular order!

Vinny, the self proclaimed PreSchooler.
Last Friday at Dauset Trail...had a blast!
Mimi: "I've got a great idea!!!!"
"Angry Bird Pancakes" make me the "BEST MAMA EVER!!!!"
They are finally up--thank you, Tom & Celeste (& Tyler!!!). They are a hit!
Piss-ant kitty, Timbit.
I happen to think this Kindergarten artist is fabulous!
First day of school...everyone loves the new "Workbox" system and we all had a highly successful day! Phew! PS: George is working and not sitting in a corner!
(sniff...sniff) First Tiger Cub meeting! George has had his panties in a wad since Mimi started girl Scouts--the day finally arrived!

So that's it in a nutshell. What you don't see:
  • Mimi and I had an awesome Girl Scout Daisy meeting yesterday afternoon--11 girls and lots of energy!
  • Mimi had her first Gymnastics class today, and when I asked her if she liked it, she responded, "No--I LOVED it!"
  • Vinny LOVED and ROCKED his first dance class on Saturday--the only boy in a sea of girls and he held his own! Ballet, tap and tumbling!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

X-Rated Life...
(Sitting on the couch with Vinny--I'm working on school stuff and he's watching Caillou):
Vin: Mommy, wanna see my penith?
Me: Umm, not really.
Vin: Hewe it is..."
Me: OK, Vinny, why don't you put it away now...
Vin: I can't. It's stuck.
Me: Just stick it back in your pants.
Vin: I don't want to.
Me: But I want you to.
(At this point I realize that I am arguing with a 3-year old about putting his penis back in his pants. This is not going well.)
Vin: I wike my penith, Mommy.
Me: Silence. Seriously, what else can I say? He's all boy!!!!!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

From Wikipedia:

Sabbath as rest

The word "Sabbath" refers to rest. To sabbath is the act of resting. Physical resting refers most often to a rest day, but can refer to sabbathing or resting for other periods of time such as a Sabbath year when the soil rested.

Look at mention of religion! See what you find when you pick and choose?! I'm just sayin' my and my children's case, it is a rest period. The ONE DAY of the week where we have nothing requiring our time. No school, no soccer, no dance, no choirs--get the picture?

I "retired" from one of my Sunday a.m. jobs this past Spring and I must say, I am enjoying my new Sabbath Day. I have only one obligation, one Sunday a month--Girl Scouts. And that is because as the leader, I have no other free evenings. I am looking forward to those afternoon, spent with friends. But more importantly, I am looking forward to more Sundays with my kids, just being plain old Mom. Not their teacher. Not a piano teacher. Not a chauffeur. Not a choir director. Just a goofing off Mama! Pancakes, anyone??

Monday, August 01, 2011

Getting geared back up...
Starting back to piano teaching this week.
Tussahaw Young Singers starts tomorrow--already have a couple of gigs lined up!
Children's Choir starts next week...supposed to be writing a Christmas musical. So far, only have an outline but not worried!
Starting back to school for all four kids when Woodward starts--Vinny will do some PK, Natan will be K and the big kids will be in first grade! Tons of good stuff planned! Will be using a cool "Workbox" system designed for families where there are different ages, stages, learning styles, and challenges. I'd say that describes us pretty accurately!
Cub Scouts for George.
Soccer for G and M.
Gymnastics for Mimi.
Dance and tumbling for Vinny.
Girl Scouts for Mimi and me.
Natan only want to play Basketball with George this winter which is fine by me!
I think we're ready!