Thursday, March 27, 2014

Where the hell did March go?????!!!!!
Right here:

This kid can sleep ANYWHERE!!!

Great Auntie Gail!!! We miss you!

 Violet loves a cut-throat game of SORRY!

 Girl Talk

 Nana right before she dropped Violet!
(just kidding)

The view from the Atlanta Sky Wheel
 Centennial Olympic Park

 The kids braved the chilly water for their first fountain dive of the season!
 OK...well, some of our kids were brave!! 

We just can't get enough Violet snuggles...

Thanks, GAG, for the cute outfit!!
 Lovie snuggles!!!!!

 So much fun having a baby doll to play with!

Our annual caterpillar-to-butterfly kit!

Getting the low-down from Domino!

 So...this is what happens when Natan falls asleep at George's two-hour baseball practice. We found this empty brandy bottle on the ground, and, well...sleep at your own risk!

Lovie finally got her stander! This will help keep her from having hip issues. Her PMG is severe and talking and walking are not in her future. But this stander is still awesome!!

Saturday, March 01, 2014

So...Violet arrived early on February 7th! 6 pounds, 3 ounces...19.5 inches long! Came out holding on to her extra-long, damn cord and crying! C-section was not as bad as I anticipated--helped to have a great doctor keeping everything easy-going! 
I was admitted the day before due to high BP to spend the night before being monitored. HOWEVER...every pregnant woman was apparently having a baby that night and there were no rooms available! I was sent into triage around 10 p.m. and finally got a bed at midnight. Perhaps the best part of the night was the woman who in fact HAD her baby in triage with evidently no medication! I can still hear her screams 3 weeks later!!

Side note: I had what is called "Funic Presentation of cord." The on-call doctor said that she has seen only one and the baby only survived because the mom was in the hospital already. It's not something usually discovered until a woman is in labor. My ultrasound checking something else is the only way they saw that cord. You can bet I am grateful. And you can bet little Violet is a bit of sweet joy around here!!!!
Kids love her and we love her! Here are a few pics from the first few days (there are more, but somehow they have all gone missing from this computer...)

 Jason all dressed up and ready to go!
 My first glimpse!

 Some VERY happy big brothers and sisters!

 Our surrogate family member who stepped in to help!!

 Natan can always find fun!

 Playing wii Dance BEFORE we lost power...

 Due to lost power, we discovered that we have gas logs!

 Lovie is Paul  Bunyan compared to Violet!!

 Yes, school has continued. This is something Natan wrote. A couple of years ago, this was not something we ever thought he would do. Very Proud!!!
 First bath. Lots of crying!

 Showing off his muscle!