OK. Some updates.
Way back in September...
George turned 9!!
Best gift EVER from Nana!
Birthday Breakfast: Bacon & egg quesadillas, chips and salsa, and chocolate cupcakes!
Lovie was excited to discover out we are having a girl!
Vinny said, "If we decide to make her a boy, we can nail a penis on just like they did for Eeyore's tail..."
Do with that what you will.
Goofing around...
Lovie learning her math facts!!
Hard day at school--Natan didn't make it through Landforms!!
Saw the last Friday night Braves game--awesome seats!
Natan caught one of the practice balls!!
Lovie having breakfast (!) and she completed a four-minute sit unassisted!!!!!
Canadian Thanksgiving with good friends!!
Natan & Domino...does anyone else see how big Natan's feet are??? I guess he gets that from me!
Nana flew in a brought Swiss Chalet for some pregnant person!!!
The Most Expensive Chicken Ever.
We walked in our ninth Heartwalk!
Spent a lovely Sunday at Vogel State Park in North Georgia.
Week 23 picture
Which brings us to Hallowe'en!
Jason as a "Decomposer"
Natan the Vampire
Christopher Robin
Frankenstein's monster and bride
I was a stay-at-home Mummy and Lovie was a reluctant kitty!
November update coming soon...