Sunday, June 30, 2013

I know, I's been awhile!
A recap:
Celebrating 16 years!

 What better way to celebrate than with cheese sticks and giant hot dogs!

Lovie LOVES the pool! We enjoyed one of many days at the "old" pool...

 ...followed by an evening of very suspicious weather. THIS is where I found the kids!

Kids at Heart hosted a private event at the zoo for "heart kids" so we went! It was so much fun--got see gorillas, otters, and tigers being fed which we've never seen before. VERY cool. 

So Lovie had a big week last week. She met her new Physical Therapist who is pretty awesome! Then we saw her GI doc on Thursday. She had Lovie admitted the following day to do a trial feeding tube and see the outcome. 
Here is night #1:
Not liking the tube or the no-no's on her arms. She was pitiful and sad.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
Happy, smiley, and NOT HUNGRY!!!!!!!
May I just say that this child is a different person than ever before. And for those of you who have had the pleasure of seeing/hearing her "gurgle", she hasn't since the feeding tube went in!!
Go, Lovie!!!!!
She has surgery for a GI "button" tomorrow afternoon. 
This kid rocks my world!

 My little visitors...I miss them SO much (not to mention their driver brings me good food!!)

FYI...going from four running around to one who is rather quiet is HARD!!!!
But I am definitely enjoying all my time playing with Lovie when she's awake. Right now we are waiting for a big post-suppository-poop. 
Here are my humble-but-ample digs until (hopefully) Wednesday: Be jealous! 

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Well, it's been a while...not that we're busy or anything! 

Finished May with:

This is after George's last game--we won 7-2!!!! Yeah, yeah, it's not the winning that counts, blah, blah, blah! Like hell it isn't!! It feels GREAT to watch your kid win!
But more importantly, he had fun.

So--we hadn't planned to "go anywhere" this summer. Just stay at home, fix leaks EVERY time it rains, and build a DIY patio/deck/backyard creation.
Then Jason said, "Y'know. We could just go to Cobourg for a few days."
So we did. 

Here it is:

Captain's Log: Stardate 062013:
4:00 a.m. is SUPER early to get up. And I mean Early.

 Except for Mimi and Mama...and the driver who refused to be photographed!

 Rest Stop shenanigans above and below...

We drove 14 hours and arrived in Niagara Falls--first meal: Swiss Chalet!!

OK, kids--you can buy/eat/play with Kinder Eggs in Canada. Once we're home in the US, it will be illegal. BUT you can buy a gun. 
Suck it, FDA!!!!!!! We even brought some home across the border!

Outside our hotel on Clifton Hill waiting to start our "Joey and Janice's Day of Fun!" 
George and I were both slightly terrified by the 175 ft-high Sky Wheel. After the THIRD rotation around, we were rockin' it. Kind of. 
Not really, It scared the crap out of us.

 Vinny hid in our family photo below. Fail.
Look at me-I-mean-George holding on for dear life! 
To be fair, it was VERY HIGH UP. AND...Mimi and Jason had a running dialogue going about how they "could see light through the open seal in the doors..." and things like that.
 But look at the view from the top. 

 The very cool BK Steakhouse that we were "not allowed to even walk by" because someone (George) was afraid of. Again, to be fair, there were TONS of Haunted Houses and such--not a favorite of our kids.

Niagara Falls!
(now say it in the way that Native Canadians/Americans would have said it many moons ago, and you'll be right there with Jason--"Ni-a-ga'-ra. It was just a little douchey).

 Ahhh...may the children always pose on command for me!

Yep--we brought sexy back on the Maid of the Mist--even Lovie!

Look what we found! A Rainforest Cafe!
They have one at Disney and this was a BIG treat!

(I apologized to the waiter because he had to yell that the entire time he was bringing it to our table...poor guy.)

The "Ear Wax Museum"
OK--it's the "Movie Wax Museum", but you know how my kids are. Nothing really gets titled accurately. Or maybe this one did... it was odd.
 Above: Baby You're a Firework!
Bottom: This one was taken for Aunt Sa--ear wax Tom Selleck!

Doing our best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle poses:

Pas de comment below:

The kids were equally excited/creeped out by ear wax Obamas. Even as I sit here, George is saying, "Oh man, that place was SO scary!"

 Life is like a box of LAURA SECORD chocolates!

  No ear wax museum would be complete without King Kong and Star Wars!

Fourth activity: Dinosaur Mini Golf.
Well, more like mini-hockey after watching Vinny play. He kept making Par 1's because he just kept the ball moving! 

We took a pool-break in the afternoon and our final event of the day was one last death-defying spin around the Sky Wheel.

Got up the next day and headed off the Gayman's house in Uxbridge for family fun and Butter Tarts!
Sadly, did not take one picture. Because I am a loser. Did manage to get this one from my sister's blog. All the little cousins!

Last stop: Cobourg to see Great Grandma Stinny!
And the beach!
And the dumpers at the hotel!!!!!!

Poolside Yoga, anyone??

Our annual photo with Great Grandma--she's 88. And awesome!
 More tea, please!
 Last day with Nana and Aunt Sa.

Love me some Canada...