We are officially out of Boy Scouts. THIS email from our pack leader is why:
Dear Pack ##:
As you know, the Scouts organizations have received a lot of supports from Chick-Fil-A company in many ways!
Chick-Fil-A company and their franchises are under attack from the gay and lesbian supporters for their stand in supporting the basic family tradition of marriage between man and woman! Several cities and politicians are under pressure to ban Chick-Fil-A from operaing their business (Boston, Chicago, San Francisco...)
To response to this wave of attack, Gov. Huckabee proposes August 1, 2012 a National Chick-Fil-A Day to show our support to what we believe!
If you believe this is a right thing to do, help to make a difference on August 1, 2012 (next Wednesday) by just simply visiting a Chick-Fil-A
store and purchase something, small or large, to show our support!
store and purchase something, small or large, to show our support!
Thanks! (Guess what we will have for dinner, Wednesday?)
For those who will most definitely accuse us of brainwashing our children...I guess we are. But I ask you: Is it better to brainwash them to LOVE each other unconditionally and without judgement, or should we brainwash them the way the conservative Christians in this country do--with hatred, judgement and conditions?
I stand firm that we are raising loving, open-minded kids who will someday grow to be exceptional adults.
Jason and I are sick about this--we felt that we had found a group of loving individuals to lead our boys and provide some fun! Good thing we still have the Girl Scouts!
Jason and I are sick about this--we felt that we had found a group of loving individuals to lead our boys and provide some fun! Good thing we still have the Girl Scouts!
And yes, our children DO understand our reasons--we are not like others who just say, "because that's the way it is." We explain it and make sure that on their level, they have some understanding of the issues they are standing up for. How else do you raise your children to understand things? Ignorance is NOT an option.
You have two choices:
1. Be kind and loving.
2. Or not.
We choose the first.
FYI...for those of you are vehemently homophobic, read this Savage article!