And now for the non-controversial...
OK, I admit...being a teacher at home with your own kids is harder at times than doing in school with other people's kids. Newsflash? Certainly not!! Something I am proud to admit--not at all!!! I never thought it would be easy, but...there are days!
For me, home schooling has been more about the positives than the negatives. The negatives have been mostly other people-related and also my own frustration-related issues. Nothing at all to do with with my four, differently-abled children!
The thing I am fortunate to have more than anything is a supportive husband (since time and money do not exist around here!). He listens when I fall apart, lifts me up when I think it is an impossible task, and patiently praises the work done each day. He also finds and sends me articles like this one: (not sure why I am sharing it, but someone out there might benefit!). It comes at a time when I am searching for solutions.
OK, I admit...being a teacher at home with your own kids is harder at times than doing in school with other people's kids. Newsflash? Certainly not!! Something I am proud to admit--not at all!!! I never thought it would be easy, but...there are days!
For me, home schooling has been more about the positives than the negatives. The negatives have been mostly other people-related and also my own frustration-related issues. Nothing at all to do with with my four, differently-abled children!
The thing I am fortunate to have more than anything is a supportive husband (since time and money do not exist around here!). He listens when I fall apart, lifts me up when I think it is an impossible task, and patiently praises the work done each day. He also finds and sends me articles like this one: (not sure why I am sharing it, but someone out there might benefit!). It comes at a time when I am searching for solutions.