Heart Walk was awesome, as usual! FREEZING cold wind made it almost unbearable but the sun came up and offered a little bit of warmth! Had a wonderful, supportive team of walkers--Mimi ditched George, Vinny, Natan and me for the 3 mile walk with her beau, Bob! We did the mile, which left us some time to visit with the Fox 5 ATL folks--always fun! The boys were allowed to sit in the new storm chaser van...very cool!!
Team George 2011
Inside the Storm Chaser van!
Mimi with her partners, Bob and Nola!
Celebrated being heart healthy with a lunch primarily made up of french fries--FAIL!
Survived Halloween--only two events to dress up for this year! Here they are at the Fall Festival.
Super Cow (she is wearing a very cool cape hand painted by your's truly!!), lion, Frankenstein, and an Angry Bird!
On Monday, we went to a friends' house for the annual dinner and candy fest event! Of course, the costumes had to change...a ladybug, a glamour witch, a "big fat duck" and the Challenger astronaut, Ron McNair. Here is the gang, one year older:
And...our second Halloween night tradition--visiting our friends' super-decorated home and N and G were very proud that they were not afraid of the scary music (many tears last year!)...probably helped that we went early in the day light!!
Even Vinny's dance class got into the spirit at their Saturday class with some costumes and Ghostbusters!!!
Today, at the kids' numerous requests...we turned on the Christmas music!!! We are READY to be in the spirit!!!!