Sunday, August 28, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011

- Mimi and I had an awesome Girl Scout Daisy meeting yesterday afternoon--11 girls and lots of energy!
- Mimi had her first Gymnastics class today, and when I asked her if she liked it, she responded, "No--I LOVED it!"
- Vinny LOVED and ROCKED his first dance class on Saturday--the only boy in a sea of girls and he held his own! Ballet, tap and tumbling!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
(Sitting on the couch with Vinny--I'm working on school stuff and he's watching Caillou):
Me: Just stick it back in your pants.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
From Wikipedia:
Sabbath as rest
The word "Sabbath" refers to rest. To sabbath is the act of resting. Physical resting refers most often to a rest day, but can refer to sabbathing or resting for other periods of time such as a Sabbath year when the soil rested.
Look at mention of religion! See what you find when you pick and choose?! I'm just sayin' my and my children's case, it is a rest period. The ONE DAY of the week where we have nothing requiring our time. No school, no soccer, no dance, no choirs--get the picture?
I "retired" from one of my Sunday a.m. jobs this past Spring and I must say, I am enjoying my new Sabbath Day. I have only one obligation, one Sunday a month--Girl Scouts. And that is because as the leader, I have no other free evenings. I am looking forward to those afternoon, spent with friends. But more importantly, I am looking forward to more Sundays with my kids, just being plain old Mom. Not their teacher. Not a piano teacher. Not a chauffeur. Not a choir director. Just a goofing off Mama! Pancakes, anyone??