Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jason and I got married in the Cobb County Courthouse 14 years ago to this minute. Well, 6:00 p.m.
This picture was taken in 2001 on Pugwash Point--more freckles and hair 10 years ago!
14 years!!!!!! Yay for us!
Spent the day packing, swimming, and packing...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pet Peeves:
1. Parents who do not volunteer but sit back and let others do it, time and time again. Their excuse? "I work all year--I need ME time." Hi, I work all year too--and I don't get summers off or other holidays. So, thank you for taking your ME time while my husband and I, along with other parents, grandparents, and just plain other generous folks volunteer so that you can drop your kids and have your ME time. Frankly, if I were you, I wouldn't want to spend that much time with myself.
2. Blonde jokes. Really? Are we still making them? I am convinced that blonds jokes are made by brunettes because they feel inferior. If you can't find anything remotely intelligent and funny to say, don't talk. You're annoying.
3. Bullies. Either kids or adults. My kids watched me get bullied last fall by someone we thought was a friend. I couldn't find a reasonable way to explain it to them. George summed it up by stating, "____ is just mean." Couldn't have said it better myself.
Other than that, life is great! Reggie is getting his rabies shot today so he can enter and exit Canada! First time travelling with a dog...this should be interesting!
So excited about the concert this Sunday! It's going to GREAT!

Monday, June 06, 2011

What a weekend! I had such great plans which were all foiled when I awoke at 3:00 a.m. Friday with a hugely spinning room, headache, and nausea. I actually spent all day in bed because I just couldn't move! So none of my Friday jobs got done!
I dragged myself to the Diva Dash Saturday morning (there to support the friend organizing it) and ended up walking the full thing instead of just taking the kids on the mile walk--it's amazing that the body can cooperate and hold it together when you need it! However, immediately upon retuning home, ended up back in the bed for the rest of Saturday...Jason covered my duties that day--took Mimi to her bday party and attended a friends' wedding solo.
Made it through all my Friday chores on Sunday morning and had a GREAT Girl Scout pool party here yesterday afternoon.
Feeling better today but still a little dizzy and stiff. Whatever it was, it liked my body and decided to stay a couple of extra days!
Today marks the countdown to NS! This time next week we will happily be leaving the bible belt!!
After my (first and last ever) massage experience last week ( not only talked to me during it, but you talked about religion?!!), I am more than ready for a break from all the bible thumping. Needless to say, I will not be returning there for a massage. Besides, it was rather underwhelming.
FYI...George has ceased to exist and has been replaced by my new son, "Freckles." Seriously. He has turned into a giant freckle. And that is WITH sunscreen!!
Anyone in the area this Sunday--come see a great concert. The Tussahaw Young Singers are making their debut and they are fabulous! Check one thing off my Bucket List! It may not be jumping out of a plane, but it is something I have wanted to do for more than a decade! get to kid #6 so I can check something else off!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

After attending a Captain's meeting last night with M and G, I am ready to raise some money! This year, Team George will rise above the rest and be a Top Team again!
Go to to see how YOU can help by joining, donating, raising, and walking!