Mimi, while watching me get ready:
"I don't think you need makeup, Mama. You're pretty without it." I'll take that.
George, this morning, came to me and said: "I did some laundry. I didn't want you to have to do everything by yourself." I must be ding something right!
And...on the hoarse voice front. I have done more research--wait--doesn't my ENT get a boat load of money to do what I am doing for myself?? Well, I'm back on Nexium. Screw the holistic route. I thought it was working, but now I'm thinking not.
I *heart* Western medicine.
No we wait and see...
Still no referral and it's driving me crazy. Adoption is just like being pregnant and giving birth. You wait and wait, and then you have this intense, emotional experience. For me, there is little difference. Anyone without kids, or anyone who has not adopted, may not get that. Oh well.
On that note...just to refresh...I consider our adopted children my flesh and blood. They are as much a part of Jason and I as the other two. There are those--and shamefully, those who know better--who do not see Mimi and Natan the same as George and Vinny. How sad for them. They just do not know what they miss out on. Someone even said to me when we had just adopted Ellen, "I wasn't sure if I could love Ellen like I love George." Someone then defended that person's comment when I repeated it. To those two people, I say, "You aren't really capable of real love then. Obviously. Don't say those things to me. They are not good things to say. And don't defend those who say them. Love my four-almost-five equally or not at all.
There, Tom. Is that better?????!!!!! P.S. George found a GA tech picture frame and asked me if he could have it when he goes there. Amen to that!!!!