Saturday, October 30, 2010


Had a GREAT time at the Heart Walk today!
15,000 walkers...over $1 million dollars raised--over $1 thousand by Team George!
Thanks to our team this year: Jennifer and Kate, Bob and Nola, Virginia, Mum, Pam, and the 6 Montagues!
Some pics:

Heart Walk here we come!

Today is the day! We're walking in our sixth Atlanta Heart Walk to raise money for the American Heart Association. You can still donate--go to the link on the right for our team page!
We have about sixteen dedicated walkers this year, and we are EXCITED!
We will walk the Survivors One Mile Walk since none of the kid will do the stroller thing anymore!
Go Team George!
Donate! And watch Fox 5 Atlanta for coverage of the walk!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kid thoughts...

George: "When I'm 40 years old, will I be a father? If I am, I am going to Ethiopia to get a baby. I'm going to get two and name them Fred and Daphne."
Mimi--as Jason was on his way to a Visitation for a friend whose father passed away: "Is Daddy going to talk to Celeste's Daddy?"
When I explained that no, when someone dies they can't talk to you, she was concerned, which led to the next statement:
"Am I going to die soon? I don't think I want to die yet. I would miss talking to you."
M and G are both very sad for their friend Celeste. So are we.
George, after touching the cookie dough AGAIN after being told repeatedly not to:
"What the heck is wrong with me today?"
Vinny: "I think I gonna need hot sauce!"
Natan: "I like you, Mommy. You're cute. You're doing a good job."
Thanks, Tan...I needed that!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Do baby ants bite?

Where do ants go? Do they go shopping for ant stuff?

Why does that dog have big boobies? (referring to yet another stray in our yard that has clearly JUST had babies).

Do puppies get born out of a tootie? (To which Mimi says to George, the questioner: "George, it's not called a tootie. It's a bagina"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

nothing much...

Getting ready for our day trip to B'Ham for some much needed BFF'ing with the Ingrams! Of all the people to move, why them????? See? I am still not over it!!!!!
Mimi and George are doing great in school--both reading and starting spelling. May not sound like much, but it's HUGE!!! Natan is also coming along very well--starting to write his name, and getting all his letters down. Some weeks are better than others behavior-wise, but that's true for anyone!
The Heart Walk is around the corner--so glad Mum and Pam will be here for it this year! It's so much fun now that M and G understand why we walk and feel more a part of it.
Our first Daisy Scout meeting was great!! Eight girls and we had a blast! So glad I signed on as leader--Mimi is so happy! Great group of Moms as well which is a plus!
My blogging has been rather slow lately, but I suppose it's a good thing. Nothing to vent about is always good! Wish there was some adoption news, but alas, nothing. Some more babies have come into the agency's care, but we are still just waiting...and waiting...and waiting...
At least we'll be good and ready for her when the time comes! Still don't know who gets to go--Jason or my sister. Depends on the government of ET.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, Monday

Had a nice weekend...
I was asked to be a preliminary judge for the upcoming"Henry Has Talent" on Saturday and saw some pretty great talent! Can't wait until the final show on the 23rd!
We all had a great time on Friday night at Natan's school's Fall Festival--so much fun to see him with his friends! Picked up a couple of neat Christmas gifts as well!
We are gearing up for Nana coming for the winter and Pam's visit--VERY excited! Lots of stuff planned while they're here!
Saw a bumper sticker the other day that I haven't seen in a while: "Mean people suck." I agree.
Getting out of dodge this weekend with a much needed trip to Birmingham to get our Ingram fix!

Thursday, October 07, 2010


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anonymous.
Thank you for asking about all the kids' school yesterday at dinner. You have no idea how many people never ask M and G how school is going, simply because they are anti-home school. They only ask about Natan because he is in "real" school. But really, he is in a dream situation just like they are. 5 kid and two teachers. It sure makes a difference!
Anyway, your inquiry meant a lot. Thanks!
We are all excited about going to Natan's school's Fall Festival tomorrow night. Cakes made for the Cake Walk, 4 pound bag of candy to be delivered, and four very excited kiddos!
Big news: George walked Reg alone today! As in, he held the leash without any support. He's totally pumped about it and ready to conquer the world! Since Reggie is such a dopey dog (Sara & know what I'm talking about!), it was pretty easy! Mimi takes Stanely, and I get Daisy who needs the most "help." But, she is improving very day!
Break time is over. off to do some more reading and social studies!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Bring on the cool weather...

We pulled out our crates of "winter" clothes this morning. Mimi exclaimed, "Yay! My cozy track pants!" It's genetic....she gets it from me!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Purging 101

It's Purging 101 and Jason flunks miserably!! We are cleaning out a section of our basement...full of stuff we have had since before we were married.
Top 5 items that I cannot believe we found:
5. Box of stuffed animals (mine)--I can still remember each of their names and who gave them to me. Found my pink elephant, Elliot, which my Dad got me at the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) one year.
4. MULTIPLE envelopesd of fake confederate money (Jason's, obviously--I would not have Confederate anything!!). I would like to take it somewhere and in my stellar fake Southern accent, try to use it to buy stuff. My counter part is not so sure.
3. At least 100 post cards (seriously) that Jason has collected over the years. And they're not good ones. He claims it's because a post card is always better than a photo. I begged to differ, until I saw his photos. How does your finger get in so many?
2. A giant key. Jason admitted it was his dorm room key. ??????
1. All the contents from the car that we collected from his parents' accident. Holding the items and smelling a smell I haven't smelled in almost 10 years...To this day, neither of us will ever forget the exact details of that day. And we realize that so much in so many ways changed for us in the day and months that followed. But we're still kickin'!

So...we are done for the night. Our stuff has taken over the playroom, but we are confident all order will be restored by tomorrow night. If I find anymore boxes of postcards, I'm moving out!!