It's Purging 101 and Jason flunks miserably!! We are cleaning out a section of our basement...full of stuff we have had since before we were married.
Top 5 items that I cannot believe we found:
5. Box of stuffed animals (mine)--I can still remember each of their names and who gave them to me. Found my pink elephant, Elliot, which my Dad got me at the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) one year.
4. MULTIPLE envelopesd of fake confederate money (Jason's, obviously--I would not have Confederate anything!!). I would like to take it somewhere and in my stellar fake Southern accent, try to use it to buy stuff. My counter part is not so sure.
3. At least 100 post cards (seriously) that Jason has collected over the years. And they're not good ones. He claims it's because a post card is always better than a photo. I begged to differ, until I saw his photos. How does your finger get in so many?
2. A giant key. Jason admitted it was his dorm room key. ??????
1. All the contents from the car that we collected from his parents' accident. Holding the items and smelling a smell I haven't smelled in almost 10 years...To this day, neither of us will ever forget the exact details of that day. And we realize that so much in so many ways changed for us in the day and months that followed. But we're still kickin'!
So...we are done for the night. Our stuff has taken over the playroom, but we are confident all order will be restored by tomorrow night. If I find anymore boxes of postcards, I'm moving out!!