Monday, May 31, 2010

June is busting out! will be when most people read this!
Busy week--meet with the Special Ed team regarding Natan--like I told Sally today, I act like it's "cool" and "we're OK" with all of this, but there are moments when it hits me and I crumble.
Duane? Vangie? Kyron? Ever have those moments? Not regret, but something else I can't put my finger on...
Selam has his third open heart surgery Tuesday--we will be anxiously waiting to hear good news, and then we are ready and waiting to discharge him into our care! I am a little nervous with the possibility of giving him needles (!), but you know what--I can do this!
We spent Sunday evening with him and the kids are super excited to have him here, even if it's for a shorter time than originally planned. Lots of popcorn and movies planned!
Thursday is my Citizenship Test Day...not worried. I'll just be cool and not try to loosen the joint up! I'll always be a Canuck deep down, in case you were worried! Then we get to visit Selam and get everything set for him coming home. Kids very excited to get "Nana's Room" ready for their newest friend!
Friday is my saving day! As in saving my life day! Off to B'Ham for a day visit with our buddies the Ingrams. By Friday, I will need this visit more than ever! Two years and we still miss them like crazy!
Two more weeks and we'll be in DC!!! Lots planned, and looking forward to seeing Nikol and Olivia. Then off to Portsmouth to visit more cousins then finally to Mum's!!
Natan thinks we'll see Papa there...George informed him, "Papa's dead! He's with my other robot!" OK...
Mimi will randomly announce that she misses Papa. I know it's the idea she misses. It gets me every time, just thinking of how much he'd be enjoying them right now.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jolly Holiday!

Jason and Minna's Day of Fun! (for all you "Friends" fans out there!)
Jason finished yesterday and we spent a day on a jolly holiday--we didn't tell the kids what we were doing or who we were seeing, but that they would have some surprises! George was driven to madness over not knowing--Mimi took it in stride and went along for the ride! Natan and Vinny could have cared less--they were just happy!

First stop: Kennesaw Mountain National Park. We used to go running there (pre-kids) on the mountain trail--kicked our butts and I sure do miss it! Yesterday, we were walking it with our four kids and had even more fun! At one point, two young guys ran by us with their shirts off. We stopped to let them pass and Natan pointed and said to them, "You're naked! Why you're naked?" Got a chuckle...
We let the kids choose something from the gift shop but it had to be under five dollars. Mimi didn't hesitate and chose replica confederate money--George and Natan are sharing Civil War figures and acted out the battle in the car--lots of "Cannonball!!!"
What I loved most was that the kids had a blast and thought it was "the best surprise ever!"

Second Stop: The church Jason worked at when we met. He is playing for a wedding this weekend and we went with him for the rehearsal. We were meeting up with Tanta, but I hadn't told the kids. They were over the moon when she showed up! With new robots! We played with Tanta while Jason and Papa Tom worked at the rehearsal.
Third Stop: The Varsity! We eat at the Varsity every year on the last day of school--they LOVE it!
On the way home, I announced that we had spent a fabulous day together. Mimi responded," was a red letter day!" That's my girl!
The pictures are in Picasa, but here are some of my favorites:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Day!

Lots of young people graduating today--Congratulations!
A friend posted on Facebook that at his daughter's fifth grade to Middle School walk, the teacher said it was the "end of childhood." WHAT??!! Are you kidding me? Maybe that is the problem--kids are forced to grow up faster than necessary. I know many young people who are teens and yet at the same time, kids. The way it should be. I hate the thought of having to grow up!
Heard from our agency--there just have not been any babies lately. Good for babies. Bad for Montagues!
It'll happen...see? My patience hat is back on and securely tightened...for now.
Jason is finished today at noon--heading to Roswell to see Tanta and Papa! Yay!
2 weeks until we head east! Can't wait!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm ba-a-a-ck!

Oh my beloved treadmill--I couldn't stay away! Three days without you was an eternity...I love you. Plain and simple.
G and N threw some clothes in the pool today (don't ask why--there's no rhyme or reason!). Mimi picked it all up, lay it over the fence and told me she was "unwetting" it.
Trying to find ways of dealing with some of Natan's "stuff." Call out to anyone who has books on PDD and/or Autism that they are willing to lend. There is so much out there, but I don't know where to begin. I hate buying books and then find out they're useless.
Four days and Jason is DONE! 'Nuff said!
Is anyone else bummed that Law and Order is ending? Hello? No more McCoy?? Not that I get to watch--it's just comforting to know he's there...
Dance recital and trip home...less than 3 weeks away!! WoOoHOo!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

3 years...

Natan has been part of our family for three years as of this week.
Seems like he started out here and I can't imagine our family without him!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Self medicated. Four ibuprofen washed down with red wine on ice. No judgement, please.
Desperate times call for desperate measures!
That has numbed the pain. But it will return.
I barely managed to stay off the treadmill. I miss you, old friend. We've been together 10 years. Next to my husband, my treadmill is the only thing I will run in my undies around!
It's just not something you can do out on the road or a high school track!
Going to bed to lie in agony for a few hours. Think self medication has taken effect...
Embarking on something new and exciting...t.b.a.
Still waiting for our referral. Mimi and I are especially frustrated. Mimi says she just "wants a picture so she can start imaging how it will be like to have a new sister!"


I fell off the treadmill yesterday.
I was going 6.3 mph and simply tripped--something I have never done on the treadmill before. I used my back to twist myself away from i as I was falling--probably not smart now that I can't move...
To make matters worse, I got back on kept running. I did slow it down to 6.0 (!) and only ended up doing 2 miles before my lower back muscles exploded! I thought I would help myself out by lifting weights (my normal workout), but I'm not sure that helped either. Don't judge me.
I am under order by Jason to not engage in any exercise today. Running is my booster. No matter how tired I am, it wakes me up and gives me dose of adrenaline that keeps me going.
If I could, I would kick myself for being careless. But it would just hurt too much!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mixes rule.

So...I decided to make Vinny's birthday cake. Usually, I would use a mix because I think they are better. Why mess with something someone has perfected and put in a box?
I didn't have a mix.
Make it from scratch.
I followed the recipe to the letter. I know how to bake. I learned from the best.
The damn thing didn't turn out. I now have smoke billowing from the oven, the smoke detector is beeping, and I have four freaked out kids.
The recipe was from the "America's Test Kitchen" book--everything else form there has turned out so far.
This recipe SUCKS.
I have never used a mix and not had it turn out. And I always get rave reviews for my birthday cakes.
Cake mixes rule.
Baking from a mix does not make me an inferior baker. It makes me a smart one!!!!
Lesson learned. to get the smell of smoke out of the house before our guests arrive on Wednesday????

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Can't think of a better way to have spent this the home of our friends the Schmidts (Auntie Lynna). Their oldest daughter graduated from HS this weekend--I was her first grade para pro, and Jason taught her piano through sixth grade. We have had the pleasure of watching her grow into this amazing young woman. I have always told Lynna she is the my child rearing inspiration--she has raised these two terrific kids! The bonus today was seeing many of my former third grade students. I haven't heard "Mrs. Montague" hollered at me for some time--kind of miss it!!
So fun to see young people turning into wonderful young adults!
To complete this day, how about a referral tomorrow?? Pretty please??

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Happy Mama

We celebrated Mother's Day early today. I know there are some who think it's just another "stupid Hallmark holiday" but we believe in this house that anything can be a celebration!
The kids went with Jason and got the card and flowers and were barely out of the car yelling, "Daddy got your surprise flowers!"
I don't ask for it, I don't expect it as some women do. We do this so our kids can see that it is the simple things that make a day special.
The real surprise? Chips and dip. A treat that I never let myself indulge in! Delish!
You really don't need a lot of money to have fun. Four kids...a great's all I need!
(Although a new pair of shoes wouldn't hurt!!)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Ready or not!

Just returned from Kindergarten registration!
Mimi and George did fine and each were given a book so they are over the moon!
Natan is pissed that he didn't get a turn with the teacher!
Vinny loved reading the books.
Lucky for us, there is a friendly face in the front office--our friend and neighbor, Felicia!
The teacher we met first said we could cry on the first day of school, but not today--just for the record, I could have cried today!!!
Watching each walk off, holding someone else's hand...
They may be ready, but am I?

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

D-Day the midst of our latest adoption, I am also changing my citizenship. This will make traveling much easier!
My interview is in June (fast approaching)! I have been studying and I pretty much know the 100 answers--but will I recall it all when I am sitting in a room with an INS officer??
How will I keep from making inappropriate comments--you know--using humor to mask my anxiety!! They don't always get my sense of humor down at INS...go figure!
Should I wear my "Yes, we did!" Obama shirt?? Probably not!!
More importantly--how many Americans born here can answer all 100??
Try this sample:

Monday, May 03, 2010

What a day!

Awake at 5:00...
Up at 6:00 with M and G...
Breakfast for all four finished by 7:00...
3 dozen "Cookies for Baby Winn" baked and cooled by 9:00...
It has rained ALL DAY--I know we need it, but it makes for some rather cooped up kids and mom!
Usually we spent the greater part of our day playing outside, or puttering in our surprisingly successful vegetable garden!
Today, Mama cleaned...and cleaned...and cleaned!
Floors! Actually found myself in wench mode, hands and knees on the floor in the playroom, scrubbing!
Fit a nice four mile run and workout in during V and N's nap time.
Had friends over for dinner--they brought pizza, so no work on this end except for a salad and some dessert. Good time had by all!
I am now taking my down time...
I wouldn't change this day for the world.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

America's Next Top Model???

Today was an exciting one for Mimi and me...our first (and likely last for me!) fashion show!
It was a fundraiser for Change One Life, so of course, you will not here no from me!
Turns out, it was pretty fun and I admit, I LOVED the dress they had for me (came complete with a set of boobs!). Mimi was adorable and strutted her stuff like a pro! Very proud! Nice to do girl stuff with my girl!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

To clarify

I often write my blog as a reaction to something recent or in the past. I don't intentionally wish to offend, but I'm sure I sometimes do.
Although I stand by what I write--it's only my opinion and really means nothing in the grand scheme of things--I still would like my readers to know that I am not singling them out, even when they think I am!
I would never want to hurt someones feelings.
Not apologizing--just letting a few of my readers know they are people I am proud to know!
And yes, some of the people I like even let their kids use cell phones! Egad!!
Samantha--I always include you in the Standard crew of families I love!!!


I love my kids.
The other day, Reggie let one rip that was definitely silent and very deadly. I tried to blame it on Ya Ya (Mimi's snuggle lovey), but she informed me, "No, Mama. Ya Ya can't fart...she doesn't have a bum!" Good point.
Big day yesterday. We told George way back in March that he had to jump in the deep end without his floaties on. Well, I told the kids that it was the last day of April and George remindedme that he had a deed to do. So...last night, with Jason waiting for him in the deep waster, George jumped in!! OK--I teared up. To watch him do this, with Mimi and Natan cheering him on, made my heart swell!
Natan is playing a guitar now--he finds a spoon or something similar and strums while he rocks out! It's super cute!
Vinny is now copying Natan's "Ta-da!" moves. This one is hard to describe, so I'll try to get some video.
We watched "It's Complicated" last night--OK, I watched while someone, as usual, fell asleep halfway through! It was great! I recommend highly!