Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Yesterday was a long one...
There was a delay with G's MRI so he did not go back until after 1:00--and had not eaten or had anything to drink since 8 pm the night before. I know there are others who suffer more, but when it's YOUR tend to focus on that!
So...he did fine--fell asleep even before they put him under, so it was easy. The IV went in after he was out (Yay!!!).
Jason said the two Child Life Specialists were phenomenal!
The doctor made an unofficial report that there had been no change...argh.
We found out that our Dr. Metzger is retiring to go to African and do charity work as a doctor (I'm sure there is an official title for that sort of thing!!!). Like I said, he rocks!
George spent the night throwing up until late this afternoon.
Out of the blue, he turned the corner and was his old self!
Yay!!!!!! i missed my dancing robot!
I must add that I really believe Jason is awesome.
And that is that!
Remember to check out:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Eerily quiet...
George left this morning for his MRI with Jason. He was on no food or liquid after midnight which is painful, since he is an eat-by-7 a.m. guy! Managed it like a trooper!
This will be his first MRI in the day surgery dept. with a Cardiac Anesthesiologist so hopefully they'll be able to complete this one--last time, his blood pressure dropped and they had to stop.
He took his hospital bag full of robots, paper dolls made for him by Mimi and his African American plush doll, Michael.
Mimi is moping around--just said, "I want Georgie..."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mimi: "Bob (Crane) is my best adult friend..."
George: I was running on the treadmill, flipping through channels--stopped at "Baby Story" because George saw that the woman was having a baby and he wanted to watch. As the baby was making its final push out of the "area", George looked at me with intense seriousness and said, "Mom--I am NOT going to do that!"
Natan: Sitting in between Mimi and George this morning watching Mickey Mouse while I made b'fast: "I wub you, Mimi...I wub you, George..."
Yeah...I teared up a little!!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Rainy Day Ramblings...
Jason has the day off due to the flooding downtown--I don't ask why I just accept with tremendous happiness!!!
Here are some things:
We found out yesterday at George's appointment that our beloved Dr. Metzger is retiring. NO!!!!!! George was bummed, as was I. He's been with us from the start--walked us through the diagnosis and always treated us like we meant something to him.
So...we are now with Dr. Singh--we will come to love her, I reassured her, but yesterday, we were a little sullen!! Actually, she was great and very open and answered all my questions! She offered to have some more genetic testing done to see if George is affected in any way by Williams--on the spectrum, perhaps, as they say. She will have his calcium and elastin tested again.
He has been put on activity restriction for competitive sports but she gave him the OK to continue with dance (!) and asked that we check with her before he starts other recreational sports. Since he is so into drumming, I am hoping Marching Band appeals to him in the future!!!
After our appointment, the kids asked is they had behaved enough to be allowed IN to Chick-Fil-A and not just got through the drive through (a great reward for those long appointments!). It wasn't busy, so in we went.
Readers, keep in mind, I never do this without the proper reinforcements: Jason, Mum, or Sally!
As we walked in, the manager and one of the staff opened the door and greeted us rather enthusiastically--very Disney-esque!
They were SO helpful...Yvonne (my new friend at CFA), took my order from the table so I could stay with the kids then took my money, brought the food to us, refilled my coffee (!), and was all-round fabulous! The manager came back to talk to me about the kids...he was not ignorant (what a nice change!) and inquired about how our family came to be--foster...adopt...we had a nice talk about it.
I enjoyed an hour with my coffee, watching all four of my beautiful creatures playing together and having a ball!
Good times.
Now we are in the rain--not complaining, except that I worry that my future Atlanta real estate dreams may be soggy! I almost have Jason convinced to move in town--flooding will not be a plus to him--go figure!!!!!
George is sitting here with me at the piano...
Vinny is in with Jason causing more trouble than I ever though possible...
Mimi is still in wake up mode--we moved Vinny in with her (her choice) and he was up a little earlier than she might have wanted...
Natan just helped me make Janice's biscuits...he is a great sous chef!
Have a great Tuesday!
Here are some things:
We found out yesterday at George's appointment that our beloved Dr. Metzger is retiring. NO!!!!!! George was bummed, as was I. He's been with us from the start--walked us through the diagnosis and always treated us like we meant something to him.
So...we are now with Dr. Singh--we will come to love her, I reassured her, but yesterday, we were a little sullen!! Actually, she was great and very open and answered all my questions! She offered to have some more genetic testing done to see if George is affected in any way by Williams--on the spectrum, perhaps, as they say. She will have his calcium and elastin tested again.
He has been put on activity restriction for competitive sports but she gave him the OK to continue with dance (!) and asked that we check with her before he starts other recreational sports. Since he is so into drumming, I am hoping Marching Band appeals to him in the future!!!
After our appointment, the kids asked is they had behaved enough to be allowed IN to Chick-Fil-A and not just got through the drive through (a great reward for those long appointments!). It wasn't busy, so in we went.
Readers, keep in mind, I never do this without the proper reinforcements: Jason, Mum, or Sally!
As we walked in, the manager and one of the staff opened the door and greeted us rather enthusiastically--very Disney-esque!
They were SO helpful...Yvonne (my new friend at CFA), took my order from the table so I could stay with the kids then took my money, brought the food to us, refilled my coffee (!), and was all-round fabulous! The manager came back to talk to me about the kids...he was not ignorant (what a nice change!) and inquired about how our family came to be--foster...adopt...we had a nice talk about it.
I enjoyed an hour with my coffee, watching all four of my beautiful creatures playing together and having a ball!
Good times.
Now we are in the rain--not complaining, except that I worry that my future Atlanta real estate dreams may be soggy! I almost have Jason convinced to move in town--flooding will not be a plus to him--go figure!!!!!
George is sitting here with me at the piano...
Vinny is in with Jason causing more trouble than I ever though possible...
Mimi is still in wake up mode--we moved Vinny in with her (her choice) and he was up a little earlier than she might have wanted...
Natan just helped me make Janice's biscuits...he is a great sous chef!
Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Heart Walk 2009
One more thing...
Check out the 2009 Heart Walk website:
Register to walk, or donate!
The money raised helps save little lives like George's.
No amount is too small or too large!!
Check out the 2009 Heart Walk website:
Register to walk, or donate!
The money raised helps save little lives like George's.
No amount is too small or too large!!
Rainy days and Mondays...
Two big kids are up--numbers three and four still sound in hand...Word World on.
Today we have a cardiologist appt. for George--taking all four kids. Should be a story there! It's his physical before this Thursdays MRI. "No needles!" George keeps saying--is he telling me, or reassuring himself??
We had a nice road trip to Birmingham to see the Ingrams with the Healy women--Mimi was in girlie heaven as she got to sit in the back of the van with Katy and Grace there and back. George got a taste of what it's like NOT to be the center of attention--all those girls!!!!!! There are a few people I know who have managed to cut through life's crap and are very "real" and open. It was nice to spend time in the car with one of those people!
Someone I know (no name) has a principal (not mentioning the school), who asked another teacher to spy for her--to see which teachers (not if, but which) teachers are making disparaging remarks--not if, but which ones! Does anyone else see what is wrong with this picture??
Oh yeah... about today's physical. For all you who are opposed to universal health care: If we lost our insurance, George would die. You see, he's not out of the woods. His arteries are not growing. He may need another surgery. So...the next time you are berating President Obama, think about George. If you have a heart, think before you speak.
Today we have a cardiologist appt. for George--taking all four kids. Should be a story there! It's his physical before this Thursdays MRI. "No needles!" George keeps saying--is he telling me, or reassuring himself??
We had a nice road trip to Birmingham to see the Ingrams with the Healy women--Mimi was in girlie heaven as she got to sit in the back of the van with Katy and Grace there and back. George got a taste of what it's like NOT to be the center of attention--all those girls!!!!!! There are a few people I know who have managed to cut through life's crap and are very "real" and open. It was nice to spend time in the car with one of those people!
Someone I know (no name) has a principal (not mentioning the school), who asked another teacher to spy for her--to see which teachers (not if, but which) teachers are making disparaging remarks--not if, but which ones! Does anyone else see what is wrong with this picture??
Oh yeah... about today's physical. For all you who are opposed to universal health care: If we lost our insurance, George would die. You see, he's not out of the woods. His arteries are not growing. He may need another surgery. So...the next time you are berating President Obama, think about George. If you have a heart, think before you speak.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Five years ago today...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Mondays with Mimi...
A list of almost all the questions asked by Mimi driving home from shopping yesterday with Mimi (a minimum 20 minute drive)
Where does dirt come from?
Where do trees come from?
What's inside a seed?
Where do seeds come from?
Where are cars made?
Where is this knob made?
Where are windows made?
What is the sun made of?
What is the sky?
How are clouds made?
What is plastic made from?
What are polymers?
Why are there factories?
Where are dinosaurs?
What are organisms?
I am proud to say I answered every question as thoroughly as possible--we even had a discussion about Evolution and its process. She now understands that the world is billions of years old and that dinosaurs and humans DID NOT roam the earth together!
There were more questions...there are always's what I love about my Mimi!!!!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
There is a walking stick on our outside wall. The kids are fascinated and even more so because it has been there ALL day!
Tonight when we came home and saw it, George asked:
"Why can't all the other sticks move??"
Mimi had her first violin lesson today with a high school student who plays the violin (helpful!). She is very excited and this is even before her violin has arrived! There are stickers in the book, so all is good!
Natan is talking up a storm, and we can understand more and more of it!! He has passed a milestone with his moods and frustration and seems to be making more meaningful connections, with fewer and fewer inexplicable "moments."
Vinny spends most of his time CLIMBING on everything...calling, "MIMI!!!!!", and learning new words..."moo" and "shoe" and hmmm...not much else!
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Hi Ho Silver????
Thursday, September 03, 2009
One more thing...
Not that ALL we do is video Vinny dancing, but it sure does happen alot!!
Here is the latest--groovin' to Gwen Stefani!
A Facebook friend (Karen) posted this today and I like it!!
Remember...I am Canadian (therefore I know how Universal Healthcare works), and have also spent tens of thousands of dollars on health insurance since George was born. George--who would be dead if we had not been able to afford insurance.
And don't give me that, "If you can't afford insurance, you shouldn't have kids" crap (all you Neal Boortz followers).
Here's a news flash based on experience: Rich people do no necessarily make good parents.
They tend to be moronic and neglectful.
I will not make the obvious "Republican" crack--the words moronic takes care of that for me!
Sorry--had to say it!!
Just One Voice...
Mimi: "Is that the same picture as the one on the fridge?" (looking at my Barry Manilow t-shirt)
Me: "Yes--good observation!"
Mimi: "How you got two pictures?"
Me: "We went to the concert and I got the shirt and the magnet."
Mimi: "Is it because he is the best singer?"
Score! Another Fanilow!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
The Normative American Family

We have to turn in a family photo tomorrow to our Social Worker--we actually got this one after the first try--never happens!!!!
I LOVE the way Natan is holding onto George. We just told them to stand still and smile--they grabbed on to each other all by themselves...
And look--they are all dressed!!!!
Rat Race, baby
There was a rat in our pool today.
It fought the good fight.
It swam around from the early, dark morning hours until sometime around noon.
Did not know rats could swim so well.
No. I did not rescue it.
It's a rat.
Disease-carrying crap animal.
Go ahead--call PETA.
The rat removal man is here now--that would be Jason.
Up and at 'em!
6:00 a.m.--Vinny is awake and running through his plethora of words
6:10--bottle, hoping he'll fall back to sleep and not wake George who is in with me (me who has been awake, as usual, on and off through the night)
6:20--after having slipped out to go downstairs, sitting with coffee in hand, I hear two creatures talking in my room. Hmmm...
6:35--George, Mimi and Vinny are up and downstairs--I have yet to take a sip of my liquid crack.
Mimi says to me: "It's way too dark to be up!" (Hello?? What I always say!)
I ask her why she's up so early.
her response: "'s because of all the sound. I heard footsteps and doors and whispers. Imust have good ears in Chinese--everybody in Chinese has good ears."
So--see what you can learn before 6:45??
Now to tend to the hungry creatures...and wait for Natan to rise.
After my coffee...
6:10--bottle, hoping he'll fall back to sleep and not wake George who is in with me (me who has been awake, as usual, on and off through the night)
6:20--after having slipped out to go downstairs, sitting with coffee in hand, I hear two creatures talking in my room. Hmmm...
6:35--George, Mimi and Vinny are up and downstairs--I have yet to take a sip of my liquid crack.
Mimi says to me: "It's way too dark to be up!" (Hello?? What I always say!)
I ask her why she's up so early.
her response: "'s because of all the sound. I heard footsteps and doors and whispers. Imust have good ears in Chinese--everybody in Chinese has good ears."
So--see what you can learn before 6:45??
Now to tend to the hungry creatures...and wait for Natan to rise.
After my coffee...
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