Mimi is 5, George will soon be 5. Where has the time gone? And why do I constantly hear parents breathe the proverbial sigh of relief when their kids are back to school?? Don't they even miss them a little bit??
Again, I ask: If you stick your kids in daycare (anything up until Kindergarten), and then can't wait for them to be in school full time, why the hell did you have them in the first place?
This is, of course, excluding single parents who have no choice.
But, as I have said before, the people I see and hear are working for the "stuff."
I remember a woman--a lawyer--once saying to me, "I can't believe you stay at home. I was so bored until ______ was three months old. I just HAD to go back to work."
I should have said, but didn't:"You're a lawyer? How on earth do you do that every day? I'd be SO bored..."
So, here I sit at the end of a very good week.
Jason's first week back.
We have played outside, we've walked every morning, we've practiced letters & numbers, we've read books galore, we've swum every day in the pool, been monsters, aliens, Jedi Knights, princesses, packages (hide underneath an upside down laundry basket), sous chefs, bakers, cleaners, and anything else you can imagine!
Bored? Hardly!
Happy? Over the top!
Mimi had her 5 year check today.
Normal. Always good.
Vinny had his 15 month visit as well. (15 MONTHS!!!!!).
They both received the necessary immunizations.
I asked their pediatrician (awesome doctor!!) what she says to parents who are stupid enough not to vaccinate. She said that she tells them she grew up in a Third World country and saw people die every day from diseases that could have been prevented with vaccines. To choose not to have them is putting your kids at a terrible risk.
As you all know, Jason and I are vehemently opposed to parents who do not vaccinate. It is neglectful and truly not an act of love.
To all anti-immunizing parents: Find an isolated island far, far away. Please...
Finally...some isms:
George: "Mama!! I have my underwear on! Now my penis is protected!"
(We were walking in the rain--he had on underwear and a 3T raincoat. That's it.)
Mimi: "Mama--will you remember his day forever? Even when I'm a big girl? 'Cause I will remember."
(We were hanging out, rolling a ball back and forth to each other with no boys around)
Natan: "Good job!" "That was AWESOME!" "Wook!" "Sawee!" (Sally)
George: "Can I see your jingles?"
He meant "shingles" which I may or may not have had the past few weeks--doctor isn't sure anymore! I corrected him and said they are called "shingles" and he said:
"Oh, yeah. Right, right. Jingles come at Christmas!"
Vinny: "Coo-coo" (cookie) "Poo" (pool) "Tan-too" (thank you) "Uh-oh"
(And...he can swim! Jason throws him in and he comes up laughing!)
Thanks for reading...g'nite!