Friday, March 27, 2009
Probably shouldn't repeat this, but...(P-word mentioned!)
Mimi: George, you really need to go wee wee.
George: I know.
Mimi: Mama!! George has to go wee wee because his penis is big!
(OK, at this point, really--what would YOU say?)
Mommy: George, go wee wee. What's wrong with it?
George: Oh, it just gets bigger and then it gets smaller.
Mommy: Why? Is it broken?
George: No, it gets big because I eat my carrots and trees...
Mommy: You need to put a leash on it.
George: No I don't! I just need to go wee wee!
DON'T JUDGE ME!!! It's a rainy Friday with nothing to do but make up fun!!!! Hi jinx abound!
Oh, and trees are what we call broccoli!
Good morning, Celeste Anonymous! Hope this made your day!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
George: "Vinny sure is getting to be a big boy."
Mimi (said out of the blue while driving home from the doctor's): "Remember, mama? The place we went for hot chocolate with SaSa and Dane?" (I responded, Huh?? to which SHE said like a 13-year old) "Well, YOU weren't there, Mama...just SaSa, Dane and me and Georgie." (What she was remembering was "one time in
Natan: (I am NOT making this up) Walked up to me today, pulled his pants down, showed "it" to me and said, "Wook, Mommy--it's a penis!" (Yes, indeed!)
In our twenty-five minute drive to the doctor's office today, George and Mimi asked literally a million questions about hyenas.
Why do they live in Efiopia?
What does a hyena sound like?
Are there hyenas in
Are there hyenas in Chinese? (Mimi)
Why do they eat people?
Did they eat Natan?
Was Natan in his Mommy's tummy and that's why they didn't eat him?
Was Natan in your tummy?
Why don't hyenas just eat grass? (Mimi)
Did they eat all the cows?
Did Natan sleep with the cows?
When I was a little boy in
I answered every question, and yes, I made a hyena sound as best I could!
Playing "I Spy" in doctor's office, Mimi said, on her turn, "I spy with my little eye...something brown." We couldn't guess it and she told us, "Natan!"
That's all I can think of---but there is SO much more!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Good times...
OK, so you're not impressed. For those few of you who know how potent his poops are (Carly, Samantha, Mum, Jason!), you understand my elation! He came to the patio door, said, "Mommy--poop potty" and walked right in and did the deed! Yay!!! It still smells worse than anything I have ever smelled in my life, and yes, I did feel my gag reflex kick in and I almost vomited, but YAY!!! He pooped in the potty!!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sweet Girl...
We were talking about nice people and mean people (don't know why!) and friends. Somehow the subject of Jason being my best friend came up. They were pleased to hear that he is my "bestest" friend (just like Franklin and Bear!!!). Then, Mimi said:
"But what about your kids? They're SO sweet!!!!!"
Damn straight they're sweet! I then said that she and the boys are even more special than friends because they are my kids. Can't be both.
Also...Jason's musical is FINALLY over this weekend--yay!! I'm taking G and M along with Sally to see it on Sunday. On that note, we have now watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so many times to pass long evenings away (staying up too late waiting for Daddy to come home), that we all know--all three big kids AND Mom--the "Squirrel/Garbage Chute" dance. We are certified--or certifiable--Oompa Loompas!!! No, Anonymous: No pictures of that!!! But there are new pics from Dauset Trails posted. Kind of lame, considering how much fun we had!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
George: I was putting the train track together AGAIN last night. George walked around in circles, hands on hips, saying, "You can do this, Mommy. You're doing a good job. Don't get frustrated."
Then, he promptly sat down, put his head in his hands and exclaimed, "I am SO pissed up."
I asked him what "pissed up" meant and he said, "Oh...I'm just grumpy and I'm pissed up about it."
And yes, we got the train back together only to have Vinny come along and destroy it. Gee, where did he learn that from????
Friday, March 13, 2009
Made a stop at the Trader Joe's off Abernathy and saw MANY changes from when we lived there--Jason's Dad's work is long gone and replaced with gorgeous condos!!. The Roswell trader Joe's is clearly not used to toddlers and babies--Vinny started whimpering a bit and they literally threw crap at us to "quieten him!" Down here, no one would even notice a crying baby!!
Anyhoo...on the ride up (75N), we saw a car in the HOV lane with a blown out tire, but he WOULDN'T PULL HIS CAR OVER--he just kept driving in the HOV now Mimi and George know a new word, as we nearly rear ended him around a curve.
On the way home, we passed a flattened motorcycle and fresh roadkill--no police had shown up yet. I am going to pass judgement here: Motorcycles show a person's true stupidity. People who ride always say, "It's other cars who are dangerous, not us on the bikes." Yes, I'm sure the human roadkill we saw was thinking that as he was thrown through the air to meet his death.
Our kids will not ride motorcycles as long as they live here. They know that. they have had intense fear placed regarding the outcome of getting on a bike. It's just stupid (immature word, but it fits).
Leave the roadkill to well deserving squirrels. Seriously.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Veggie Time
I was reading through some old postings and am so glad I decided to start this blog. I would never sit and write in a journal (for no reason in particular). But, in these quiet moments, I can reflect on things--good and bad-- that happen day to day.
Hmmm...a cup of coffee would compliment this moment quite nicely.
But that would mean getting up.
And moving.
Oh, bother.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pool's Open!
The rest of us, who are not insane, stood poolside and watched! Very refreshing!
New found fun!
We found Dauset Trails yesterday (totally missed it on Sunday!!) and had a blast! Three dollars of fish feeding a very fat fish...saw lots of animals and birds...heard/saw a chicken laying an egg (sounded JUST like my sister's imitation so I knew exactly what was happening!).
Mimi became obsessed with why each bird or animal was at the park--especially the one-winged hawk who fell off his branch when he tried to fly. OBSESSED. Now she has added rescuing the entire world's population of animals to her list of things to do right after going to the 'Lympics!
Best Spring Break ever...(OK, second only to our break in Spain/England many moons ago!)
Monday, March 09, 2009
Natan: Has a blood clot in one ear and the ear tube is almost touching his ear drum. The other ear tube has fallen out--doctor said all this is normal. Looking at another tube surgery in the near future. He said there is no point starting speech until the ears are taken care of and we can get an accurate hearing test.
Had a nice message from a former coworker regarding Autism...going to look into whatever we can start doing in that area.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Busy day tomorrow: George to Egelston for his tri-monthly MRI (I do not usually worry about them, but I feel a twinge or something over tomorrow...maybe just mommy jitters because Jason is taking him and not me?)
Meanwhile, I'll be at the ENT with the other three kiddos while we begin Natan's stuff. First, check the ears again. See the audiologist there. Then, we can work with school or not, depending on his hearing and "how delayed" he is--schools' words, not mine. May have them look at Vinny's ears while we're there since he's on ear infection Number Three in two months!
I need junk food--MUST NOT GIVE IN!!!!!!!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Thursday, March 05, 2009
So...once again, going on a mother's intuition, I called the ENT and have an appointment Monday afternoon.
Daycare, indeed!!!!!!!
I wish government types would be more supportive of parents who choose to educate their kids at home. Not all of us are planning on doing it because we want to protect our children from others or for religious reasons (egad!!). Some of us just love being with our kids, don't mind the extra stress, and are even qualified (I think a graduate education degree holds some water here) to teach. I'm not saying it will always be the right fit for us, but for now, it is.
My biggest fear with starting to deal with some of Natan's issues were that the people I would have to work with would be "anti-home school" and I really hope this is not the case...
Yes, he has specific, diagnosed delays...
Yes, I realize he may fall somewhere on the spectrum of Autism...
Can I handle it??
He's my kid. Damn straight I can.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Things!
Why Blog?
It started as a way to post pictures and kid stories for my Mum, sister, and Aunt. People around here found it and at times it gets passed on. I do not link it to my church or to my piano business. I warn those who ask me for the address that they can read it but they cannot use it against me or get mad at me. Someone even said "I disagree with 75% of what you write but I still like you" I think she is a closet liberal who uses my blog to purge her soul (tee! hee! She'll get me for that I hope!!!!)
Anyway, I love the world of blogging. I would never use a person's name in a negative way, because that's not right. Perhaps I step over the line, but what is the point of living here if we cannot exercise our right to free speech?
I am not a confrontational person. I usually do not choose to "hang out" with confrontational people because they simply are too exhausting to be around! People have walked over me for years, but I rarely say the things that are on my mind because I know how it feels to have my feelings hurt by tactless people. If people blogged instead of spouted, the world would be more pleasant. We could just ignore those particular blogs!
Sometimes I vent about things that happen to other people that I think are unfair. I blog about stuff that happens when I am out with the kids. As I have said before, there is always someone who feels it is their responsibility to criticize my family...out of ignorance, of course.
As I have always said, no one is holding your hand on your mouse and forcing you to click the button to link to this blog. If you don't like it, don't read it!
Blogging can be therapeutic. I recommend it to all.
That's why I blog.
Monday, March 02, 2009
George and Mimi were up and outside first thing, but George came in and was very upset that "all my snow has turned to ice!" Science 101!
Here's a grateful list for today:
1. Snow (with a side of hot coffee).
2. Jason, Mum, and Sally who never tell me to "get over it" and listen patiently and offer their undying support.
3. Dudley & Dorothy--just 'cause! (Also, see above!)
4. Did I mention snow???
5. As always, my four fabulous, wild, and wonderful children.
Our snowman is still standing, but I dread the moment when he melts and I have to deal with three very sad kiddos...
Jason decided Brownies were in order, so that's pretty much what dinner was. Means I'll have to add an extra mile or so to my run tomorrow....blah. Bathing suit season approaches!!!!!
I really should be in bed, but I have not been sleeping lately and it seems rather pointless to lie in bed wide awake. Ho hum.