Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy Almost New Year!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Happy Birthday, Natan!
He had a very nice birthday lunch with Sally, Dudley & Dorothy, and of course, us! He was super excited about the train we bought him--it is LOUD and makes real smoke-not steam-that filled the house!!!! I love seeing him happy!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ode to Sally
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December is busting out all over!
Monday, December 07, 2009
To blog or not to blog...
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Sweet secrets...
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Celebration Day!!!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Where to begin...
What a week!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Old Eagle Has Landed...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Almost there...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ending or beginning...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Storing Stuff
Saturday, November 07, 2009
C'est un bon matin...non?
Friday, November 06, 2009
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Happy Thursday!
Monday, November 02, 2009
Good Times...
Are my ears bleeding?
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Deepest Apologies...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Good news!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Fab Four (a mother's opinion)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Good things do come to those who wait, and wait, and wait...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday Night No-Lights...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Counting down...
Change of heart...
Pam (cousin): you are excluded b/c I think you hit the homeschool nail on the head with Josh and set the bar for all parents who attempt it--YOU, I applaud!
As sad as we will be to see our two older kids go off, we know that for them, it will be the right thing to do. If it's not, we'll try Plan B.
I have worked with home schoolers before, and surprise--they are not different from "regular" kids. The girls still chase boys, the younger kids still fidget in their seats...I think often good behavior is simply mistaken for a lack of spunk! I'll take a spunky kid with lots if energy any day!
We want our kids to experience a wide range of educational opportunities: academics (and yes, they get that in the school environment), arts (they're there too, and can be supplemented at home), sports (it is part of a well-rounded education and would go a long way to getting America healthier!), science (and no, they will not learn about creationism in public school), and community service (I know some people don't care about helping others, but we do).
As a former teacher, I take education seriously. I know teachers are bound by rules, tests, curriculum, etc., but I think that even with those limitations, kids get a better educational experience (excpet for Pam!!), than many home school students. And yes, there are exceptions besides my cousin. Some people make it work.
Of course, there are those who keep their kids out of school so they don't have to immunize. You already know how Jason and I feel about that: They are putting their children at risk, and they are also putting people's newborn babies at risk. In fact, they are putting our future daughter at risk until she is immunized. That's another blog post!
I have no grudge against kids who are home schooled--it's not their fault. In fact, I asked a group of home school kids once if they liked it, and over half said they actually wanted to be in school. Hmmm...makes you think, doesn't it?
So--Ola Elementary--Class of 2028 (?)--we will descend upon you in a year. We will be ready. Our kids will be six in kindergarten (giving them an edge!), they will be able to cut, paste, and do the things that kids their age should be able to do. The rest will left to their teachers, to be helped by us at home--this education thing is a partnership. We are not so arrogant as to presume we can do this alone. We are committed to making their school years meaningful--not just a chance for me to dump them every day and have free time.
It is not enough to tell people your kids are "so smart." You have to give your kids the chance to use their brains.
Brains, like the rest of our bodies, need to work, to exercise...
And, remember...if you are reading this, it's by your own choice. I am not holding a gun to your head. If you don't like what I write, then by all means, don't read! Am I a broken record on this point??
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, Monday
It's finally normal, autumn weather! Crisp and cool and it just does the body good!
We attended a fall festival yesterday and the kids had a BLAST! Mimi was a tiger/kitty/lion, George was a pirate, Natan was a reluctant farmer, and Vinny worked it as a duck!
Why are we (specifically women), concerned with appearance and weight to the point of obsession? Look at Hollywood--the women are all, for the most part, hot and skinny. The men, for the most part, are not. And yet, only the hot skinny women get the roles. Any fat chumpy guy can land even the leading love in a romantic movie. It's not fair!
I gained 40 pounds being pregnant with George--I tipped the scale at 170 the day I delivered him. It took me a year and a bit to lose it all, and only after I got serious about it. Two hour walks pushing a double storller, running on the treadmill, lifting weights...being diligent about food...
I only gained 24 pounds with Vinny, and I started off at a lesser weight (by 2 pounds). It took me three months to wear my pre-Vinny clothing, but this time, that wasn't enough.
Ever since, I have been on a mission--lose more, lose more, more, more...
In May, I saw 126--I thought that would be enough. Then, I got to thinking, "why not 125?"
I decided against it, but it is always there in the back of my mind (and butt).
126 doesn't seem light enough. But it should be. Because my weight should not define me.
Part of the problem, I think, is that people around me constantly talk about it. I get a weekly update on the weight they've lost or gained. These same people will eat dessert, but the entire time say, "I'm going to pay for this tomorrow" or "I NEVER eat dessert." I probably say those things too.
I like feeling healthy.
But I like to eat good food and enjoy myself.
I think super skinny women who starve themselves are probably very bitchy most of the time beause they are missing out on one of the greatest comforts life offers: FOOD. Not lettuce and tuna, but real, honest to goodness FOOD.
So, eat up, ladies. You can be healthy without sacrificing your sanity.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Random Stuff
Of course, if you want to announce that you are ignorant, be my guest--it will save me pointing it out to you!
2. When you feel the need to ask me, "So...are those two yours and the others are adopted?" just save us both the trouble and keep your mouth shut. All four children are MINE. Two came from my belly, and two came from someone else's. It doesn't matter how they got here...they are MY CHILDREN!!!!!
3. Appearances. They do not matter nearly as much as what your actions demonstrate. So many people talk a big talk, but when it comes right down to it...they are just not open minded about anything different from them. Color...gender...special needs....we are all the same, with only a few differences that keep it interesting.
FYI...we have 2 special needs kids. You can't love our two without accepting and loving others.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Spay and Neuter Your Damn Pets!!!!
For the record, I do occasionaly do nice things--for animals, at least!!
Turns out she's running because she's in heat.
I realized this after finding blood in my sunroom. Gross? You bet!
Did I put her out? You bet! Besides the blood, she was tormenting Stanley, who has been neutered.
I know she is not being kept for breeding...they are just too cheap and lazy to have her fixed.
I believe that it is indeed one of the most irresponsible things people can do with their animals.
She spent the day running around Ola--I am sure there are some new puppies in her future very soon...
SPAY & NEUTER your pets, people!
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
To be fair...
We spent last evening at the Henry County Fair.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Rainy days and Mondays...
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Constitutional Amendment
Proposed Draft Constitutional Amendment:
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to allow children of American citizens to be eligible for the presidency.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress:
“Article ---
“A person who meets the age and residency requirements of this Constitution is eligible to hold the office of President if he or she was born in the United States while subject to the jurisdiction thereof; was born outside of the United States but derived United States citizenship at birth from either parent; or was born outside of the United States but was adopted by eighteen years of age by a United States citizen who could transmit United States citizenship to a child at birth.”
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Eerily quiet...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Rainy Day Ramblings...
Here are some things:
We found out yesterday at George's appointment that our beloved Dr. Metzger is retiring. NO!!!!!! George was bummed, as was I. He's been with us from the start--walked us through the diagnosis and always treated us like we meant something to him.
So...we are now with Dr. Singh--we will come to love her, I reassured her, but yesterday, we were a little sullen!! Actually, she was great and very open and answered all my questions! She offered to have some more genetic testing done to see if George is affected in any way by Williams--on the spectrum, perhaps, as they say. She will have his calcium and elastin tested again.
He has been put on activity restriction for competitive sports but she gave him the OK to continue with dance (!) and asked that we check with her before he starts other recreational sports. Since he is so into drumming, I am hoping Marching Band appeals to him in the future!!!
After our appointment, the kids asked is they had behaved enough to be allowed IN to Chick-Fil-A and not just got through the drive through (a great reward for those long appointments!). It wasn't busy, so in we went.
Readers, keep in mind, I never do this without the proper reinforcements: Jason, Mum, or Sally!
As we walked in, the manager and one of the staff opened the door and greeted us rather enthusiastically--very Disney-esque!
They were SO helpful...Yvonne (my new friend at CFA), took my order from the table so I could stay with the kids then took my money, brought the food to us, refilled my coffee (!), and was all-round fabulous! The manager came back to talk to me about the kids...he was not ignorant (what a nice change!) and inquired about how our family came to be--foster...adopt...we had a nice talk about it.
I enjoyed an hour with my coffee, watching all four of my beautiful creatures playing together and having a ball!
Good times.
Now we are in the rain--not complaining, except that I worry that my future Atlanta real estate dreams may be soggy! I almost have Jason convinced to move in town--flooding will not be a plus to him--go figure!!!!!
George is sitting here with me at the piano...
Vinny is in with Jason causing more trouble than I ever though possible...
Mimi is still in wake up mode--we moved Vinny in with her (her choice) and he was up a little earlier than she might have wanted...
Natan just helped me make Janice's biscuits...he is a great sous chef!
Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Heart Walk 2009
Check out the 2009 Heart Walk website:
Register to walk, or donate!
The money raised helps save little lives like George's.
No amount is too small or too large!!
Rainy days and Mondays...
Today we have a cardiologist appt. for George--taking all four kids. Should be a story there! It's his physical before this Thursdays MRI. "No needles!" George keeps saying--is he telling me, or reassuring himself??
We had a nice road trip to Birmingham to see the Ingrams with the Healy women--Mimi was in girlie heaven as she got to sit in the back of the van with Katy and Grace there and back. George got a taste of what it's like NOT to be the center of attention--all those girls!!!!!! There are a few people I know who have managed to cut through life's crap and are very "real" and open. It was nice to spend time in the car with one of those people!
Someone I know (no name) has a principal (not mentioning the school), who asked another teacher to spy for her--to see which teachers (not if, but which) teachers are making disparaging remarks--not if, but which ones! Does anyone else see what is wrong with this picture??
Oh yeah... about today's physical. For all you who are opposed to universal health care: If we lost our insurance, George would die. You see, he's not out of the woods. His arteries are not growing. He may need another surgery. So...the next time you are berating President Obama, think about George. If you have a heart, think before you speak.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Five years ago today...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Mondays with Mimi...
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Hi Ho Silver????
Thursday, September 03, 2009
One more thing...
Just One Voice...
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
The Normative American Family

We have to turn in a family photo tomorrow to our Social Worker--we actually got this one after the first try--never happens!!!!
Rat Race, baby
Up and at 'em!
6:10--bottle, hoping he'll fall back to sleep and not wake George who is in with me (me who has been awake, as usual, on and off through the night)
6:20--after having slipped out to go downstairs, sitting with coffee in hand, I hear two creatures talking in my room. Hmmm...
6:35--George, Mimi and Vinny are up and downstairs--I have yet to take a sip of my liquid crack.
Mimi says to me: "It's way too dark to be up!" (Hello?? What I always say!)
I ask her why she's up so early.
her response: "Oh...it's because of all the sound. I heard footsteps and doors and whispers. Imust have good ears in Chinese--everybody in Chinese has good ears."
So--see what you can learn before 6:45??
Now to tend to the hungry creatures...and wait for Natan to rise.
After my coffee...
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Normative American Family
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Random things...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Some nice things to say as well
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Random Friday night thoughts...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
V-Master's Groove
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
For Better or For Worse...
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Mommy Baby Yoga
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bums Away!
Ayaan Hirsi Ali cont...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Everything & Nothing...
So much to write, and my mind simply shuts down when I sit here...
I love my kids. There. I said it. I think they are perhaps the most beautiful, outstanding, gorgeous, happy creatures I have ever known.
Yes, I know other people love their kids too. And I know they think their kids are all that. But aren't we, as parents, supposed to think our kids are the most fantastic?
So there. I admit it. I am madly in love.
And yes, Jason is pretty OK too!
My problem is that I forget to focus on the moment. I pay too much attention to the chores that need to be done...jobs that should be accomplished. The kids are growing up so fast, and I am afraid that it will be over with in the blink of an eye.
My new goal is to forget about the crap and focus on what counts. The laundry will still be there, waiting to be put away. The vacuuming can wait another day. But my kids are not always going to say,"Watch me, Mommy!" or want to curl up on my lap and snuggle. They are going to, someday, want to spend more time with their friends than their parents. They will not always ask to sleep with us. So...I am going to enjoy each moment. Chores be damned!
It's Not Over Till...
On that note...we had a lovely party for Mimi on Thursday with most of the usual suspects present, plus a few newbies.
However, our day did not end happily. Post party, we went to register for dance. On the way home, George used the glass breaker (which Jason keeps in the car for emergencies and failed to notice George playing with), to break his window in the Mac Daddy Van. We heard a sound that really sounded like a gunshot.
Here is my confession: I yelled. All the way home. First at George because he scared the crap out of me and all I could see were shards of glass all over the seat he was sharing with Vinny. Then, I yelled at Jason. because he was oblivious to the fact that George, right under his nose, found the glass breaker and was using it as a toy while I was inside the dance studio.
So there. I yelled. I did not use profanity. There was no need. I don't spank, but I can rip a good tongue lashing off when necessary. I believe it worked. Both boys were chagrined and I do not believe George will attempt any such stunt again. I can't speak for Jason.
Don't judge me. Sometimes a Momma gots to yell.
Vinny is now waving and saying "Hi!" to everyone we see, including all present family members. He is a talker! "Tiko" means "tickle." "Ta-too" means "thank you."
And the dancing continues, with some new and improved hip hop moves!
Natan is improving every day and I think it is in part to Mimi and George. He repeats everything they say, and actually has some meaningful conversations with them and us. I am so glad I kept him home instead of going the Special Ed route.
Mimi is sleepwalking again. She managed to get down to the TV Room the other night (2 flights of stairs), whimpering but not aware. She had not recollection the next day. I slept with her to make sure she was OK, and she did not remember that, either. Hmmm...
George. Obsessed with robots. Obsessed with his penis. Obsessed with dying (ever since Dad's funeral). Obsessed with signs that say "NO--" It's the slash line that he seems to like. Obsessed with car washes.
So I've rambled on. Before I go...top five favorite things this week so far (yes, I know it's only Monday!)
1. My Mom. For many reasons, but in particular, an offer she made to us that I will divulge later.
2. Slum Dog Millionaire. OMG. What an awesome movie.
3. Tropical Desire: Canadian bacon, pineapple slices, tomato, lettuce, Swiss cheese, grilled on an English muffin.
4. Steroids. Don't ask. But I love drugs!!!
5. Augusten Burroughs and David Sedaris (equally talented authors whom I love!).
Thursday, July 23, 2009
5 alive!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Good Times...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Random musings...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Boy in the Mirror
Well. We told that boy in the mirror. I made him apologize, which he did, and now all is well.
The final mark was George shutting off the light and making the mean boy in the mirror go away.
Man oh man.
Canada Pics
Also added a few more to "May 2009."
It makes (Ad) Sense???
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Home again, home again...
Almost didn't come home, mainly because we wanted to stay! However, pay checks are kind of a nice way to pay for things, so here we are, back in McD.
We extended our trip from Cobourg to head to Nova Scotia for a visit with Sara and Dwayne and to hang in "Nana's Blue House" on the Point. Ahhhh...let the slug behaviour commence!
Daily schedule at the Blue House:
Wake up. Drink coffee. Read. Think about getting dressed. Stay in jammies. Drink more coffee. Eat breakfast. Continue reading. Check to make sure the kids are safe (playing outside). Read some more. Make and drink more coffee. Drag yourself to change into cottage attire. Read. Lunch. Read. Nap. Dinner at Aunt Sa's and Uncle Dane's. Walk on Point. Get back into jammies. Read. Hot tea. Read. Fall asleep. Go up to bed.
Repeat daily.
Have I mentioned that we LOVE Nana's Blue House?? It sits up a hill at the end of a long lane. Ocean to the front and side. Cows in the surrounding fields. No TV. No computer.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Now for fun!
George: |"There's that noodle dog again." (Meaning the golden doodle dog we saw yesterday!)
Natan: "Well done!Well done!" (his "phrase-of-the-day")
Vinny: "Cheese!" and pose...whenever the camera comes out!
Heading to Tim's for biscuits then shopping...beach again tonight.
Scottish Highland festival tomorrow!!!! Haggis, anyone?????!!!!!!
Stupid Toronto Union
Now, as you probably know, I lean toward a very Socialist ideal.
HOWEVER...I have been to developing nations. I have seen the work conditions. People in Toronto should be thankful they are employed and are compensated well for their work. Should I dare mention that these workers have high school educations?? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but...I have Master's degree. If I want to work, I will earn more because I have earned it!
I am trying to convince Jason to take a road trip with a load of garbage to dump in front of the picketers, but he is not game. Mimi is...maybe I'll take her!
So, avoid Toronto! What was once a gorgeous city is turning into a garbage slum at the hands of the unions.
This is both a pro and a con to moving back to Canada. I am not in favor of unions, but I would like to part of the solution.