Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mimi's is three!

It's hard to believe Mimi turns three this Monday...
We celebrated with a few friends on Friday since we will be en route to Nova Scotia on her actual birthday. Everything Thomas the Train--she woke up Friday morning and said, "Today's my Thomas cake?" Finally, after weeks of asking, the answer was YES!!!
There a couple of bday vidoes if you follow the YouTube link, and some more photos added to the Picasa gallery.
Three??? Where has the time gone...

Friday, July 13, 2007

no apologizing...

Jason showed me the news link below thinking it would outrage me. It didn't, mainly because I am becoming numb to stupid people (defense mechanism)!
My advice to those of you who are annoyed by babies/toddlers/children on planes: Stay home. Fly Business or First Class. Did I mention STAY HOME?! Granted, this story is about a flight attendant and not other passengers. In fact, the other passengers seemingly could not have cared less about the kid.
Pet Peeve: People who get on planes and then are annoyed because they cannot sleep or read or watch a movie in peace. A plane's purpose is to get you from Point A to Point B. That's it. If you want to enjoy a movie or sleep, STAY HOME!
Ok, so not outraged, but really p---ed off!
Here it is (turn your volume on):

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Life is good...

In preparing for Mimi's upcoming third birthday, I have been thinking a lot about my trip to Africa. I think on my next trip there, it will be much clearer tome how incredibly poor it is. Not just "I-want-those-shoes-but-have-to-wait-for-them-to-be-on-sale" poor, but the kind of poverty that makes you physically sick because you don't enough food, clean water, milk--it's not about material items when you're that poor, it's about not having medicine, clothing, soap. But...everyone we saw had a smile--a real smile. They were just happy to be there, no matter what the circumstance. Life is good if you choose for it to be, I guess. (Admittedly, we were not in the middle of a country at war).
Jason and I, each birthday and Christmas, make a point of not wanting to overdue the gift thing. Our goal is always to make the occasion memorable without the presence of tons of gifts. We are getting better each time at lessening the gifts and making the occasion exciting.
I have been thinking about how much we have, right here at our house compared to what so many throughout the rest of the world do not have. And we have less than some...! For a long time, we made joking comments like, "We're so poor..." or "Oh, to have more money!" As a family which subsists on a teacher's and church musician's income, we thought we would never have enough.
Now I know we'll never know the meaning of poor, or never be without. In this country, even a stay-at-home mom with a teacher for a husband can dream about her many kids going to decent colleges without having to sell any vital organs!
The average yearly income for a basic working person in ET is $120. Some of our weekly grocery bills are larger than that...
We are fortunate to be here. As we swim in the pool, or watch the kids play with one of their many toys, I can't hep but feel like I'll never be able to do enough for all those other children. People criticize those in Hollywood for doing what some rich folks around us do not have the heart to do--adopt.
So, as we slather on the $350 medicated cream that insurance covered most of, and give Natan four other medicines that will clear up what ails him, and as we give George his blood pressure meds three times a day which is literally his lifesaver, and as we spend as much on Mimi's birthday as some folks make in a year, I am grateful for all that we have--health, medicine, food, shelter, clean water, a safe street, family, good friends--that's all we really need. All the other crap is just extra. Nice, but not necessary.
Life is good...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Seriously cute...

Go to the (top link over on the right) and see the latest clip of the kiddos...exercising with Elmo!

Riding the potty train!

Yesterday was a big day! Mimi made it through the night without wee-weeing...and had her fourth poopie on the potty! This entails Mimi sitting in the bathroom alone, "reading" her Archie Digest (remember those?), and waiting about 30 minutes. Then, we hear, "I POOPED!!!" and there it is! After we all look (as instructed by the pooper), she can flush and wash her hands (a must in any bathroom situation!). You gotta' love the toilet ring evident on the back of her legs after this!
So, both older kids are almost fully potty-trained (yes, they're almost happens naturally...Yes, I know YOUR kids were trained at 18 months...blah blah blah!)!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Settled in...

Happy 4th of July! Belated Happy Canada Day!
Everything is going well around here...all three are settling in, no more diarrhea, no more skin stuff...cross your fingers!
After two very busy weeks, we are taking a breather and laying low this week!
Natan is imitating everything we all say (scary!).
Mimi made it through a nap and last night sleeping WITHOUT wee-weeing! That earned her a chocolate cookie for breakfast!
George is attached to an orange toddler golf ball, much like other kids attach to blankies...sleeps with it, eats with it, you name it!
All is well...